Gender differences can be identified at multiple levels of the immune response. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PSA) are chronic systemic disorders characterized by synovitis. We explored potential gender differences in recruited inflammatory cells and angiogenic potential of synovial fluids (SFs) from RA and PSA patients, and tested the effects of digitoxin and polydatin treatment on SF-induced endothelial cell migration. SF was collected by arthrocentesis from untreated RA and PSA patients attending the Outpatient Clinic of the Rheumatology Unit (Padua University Hospital). White blood cell count in SFs from RA and PSA patients did not highlight gender differences. We then investigated potential gender differences in the levels of proangiogenic factors and metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 released during inflammation. Quantification of IL-1β, IL-10, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1, TGF-β and VEGF in SFs was performed using ELISA kits. Levels of pro-angiogenic factors and MMPs were higher in the SFs from RA and PSA patients compared to OA patients without significant gender differences. The presence of MMP-9 was associated specifically with polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell infiltration. HUVEC migration induced by inflammatory SFs was greater than that induced by non-inflammatory SFs. SFs induced the formation of capillary-like structures compared to negative control. HUVECs from female donors (fHUVECs) migrated more than male HUVECs in response to SFs from RA and PSA patients. Topological parameters of the capillary-like network were markedly enhanced in fHUVECs compared to mHUVECs stimulated with inflammatory SFs. Digitoxin and polydatin treatment were effective in impairing SF-induced migration and formation of capillary-like structures. In this thesis work we also showed that SFs from RA and PSA patients induced tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Digitoxin treatment at therapeutic concentrations inhibited FAK activation in HUVECs exposed to SFs from RA and PSA patients at different time points. We then focused on a possible endothelial mechanism that could be involved in gender differences in chronic inflammatory diseases. Immune checkpoints are negative regulators of the immune response. Pharmacological blockade of PD-1 or PD-L1 often leads to immune-related adverse events. PD-L1 is constitutively expressed in endothelial cells and can be upregulated by inflammatory stimuli as a suppressive signal. Of note, VEGF has been reported to upregulate the expression of PD-L1/PD1, and anti-VEGF agents show immunosupportive properties. However, it is unclear (a) whether and to what extent endothelial PD-L1 is a source of circulating sPD-L1 via proteolytic cleavage; and (b) if gender differences occur in the regulation of this system. HUVECs were stimulated with IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 or VEGF for 3 to 24 hours. Selected experiments were carried out in the presence of bevacizumab or the pan MMP inhibitor GM6001. Membrane PD-L1 was expressed on resting HUVECs, and no baseline differences between fHUVECs and mHUVECs were observed. Stimulation with IFN-γ or IL-1β for 24 h failed to increase membrane PD-L1 abundance. Conversely, the amount of intracellular PD-L1 after 24-h stimulation with IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 or VEGF increased in fHUVECs but not in mHUVECs. In addition, sPD-L1 released by IL-1β-stimulated fHUVECs increased in a time-dependent manner. Similarly, sPD-L1 also increased upon treatment of fHUVECs with VEGF for 6 or 24 h, an effect that was significantly inhibited by bevacizumab. In fHUVEC pretreated with the MPP inhibitor GM6001, IL-1β stimulation did not increase sPD-L1 release, suggesting that proteolytic cleavage of membrane PD-L1 occurred over time. In conclusion, endothelial PD-L1 was expressed and released in response to various inflammatory stimuli in a gender-specific manner, suggesting a feedback compensatory mechanism to control autoimmunity in females.
L’artrite reumatoide (AR) e l’artrite psoriasica (PSA) sono malattie cronico infiammatorie caratterizzate da sinovite. In questo lavoro abbiamo indagato le potenziali differenze di genere nell’infiltrato infiammatorio dei liquidi sinoviali (LS) e nel contenuto di fattori pro-angiogenici di pazienti con AR e PSA. Abbiamo inoltre indagato l’effetto della digitossina e polidatina nella migrazione e tubularizzazione indotta dai LS. I LS sono stati ottenuti da pazienti con AR e PSA, grazie al contributo dell’unità di Reumatologia del policlinico di Padova. Non abbiamo riscontrato differenze di genere nella conta totale e differenziale dei globuli bianchi. Abbiamo analizzato i LS, differenziati in base al genere, per il loro contenuto di fattori pro-angiogenici e rilascio di metalloproteasi (MMP) 2/9. I livelli di IL-1β, IL-10, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1, TGF-β e VEGF sono stati valutati tramite kit ELISA, la valutazione dell’attività delle MMP tramite zimografia. Livelli più elevati di quasi tutti questi fattori sono stati misurati nel LS dei pazienti con AR e PSA rispetto a quelli di pazienti con OA. I livelli della pro-MMP9 sono correlati ai livelli dei polimorfonucleati. La migrazione delle HUVEC indotta dai liquidi di AR e PSA è maggiore di quella indotta dai liquidi di OA; i LS inducono inoltre la formazione di strutture capillaro-simili. Le HUVEC derivate da donatrici migrano maggiormente delle HUVEC derivate da donatori; questa differenza di genere è visibile anche nella tubularizzazione. I LS inducono l’aumento della fosforilazione di FAK e la digitossina, a concentrazioni terapeutiche, inibisce la fosforilazione di FAK indotta dai LS nelle HUVEC. Inoltre, la digitossina e la polidatina sono risultate efficaci nel ridurre la migrazione e la tubularizzazione delle HUVEC indotta dai LS. Ci siamo poi focalizzati nel valutare un possibile meccanismo coinvolto nelle differenze di genere nelle malattie cronico-infiammatorie, prendendo in considerazione l’espressione del PD-L1 a livello endoteliale. Gli Immune checkpoints regolano la risposta immunitaria. Nei pazienti trattati con immune checkpoints inhibitors il blocco farmacologico del PD-1 o PD-L1 può portare ad effetti avversi con sintomi simili a quelli riscontrati in alcune malattie reumatiche. PD-L1 è costitutivamente espresso in diversi tipi cellulari, incluse le cellule endoteliali, e può essere indotto da stimoli infiammatori come segnale immunosoppressivo. Il VEGF aumenta l’espressione del PD-L1/PD-1 nei leucociti e farmaci diretti contro il VEGF o il segnale mediato da esso, modulano questa espressione. Le HUVEC sono state stimolate con IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 or VEGF dalle 3 alle 24h. Alcuni esperimenti sono stati condotti in presenza del bevacizumab o dell’inibitore delle metalloproteasi GM6601. PD-L1 di membrana (mPD-L1) è espresso in condizioni basali nelle HUVEC, ma non abbiamo osservato differenze di genere nella sua espressione. Stimolando per 24h le cellule con IFN-γ o IL-1β non abbiamo riscontrato variazioni nei livelli di espressione di mPD-L1. Invece, l’espressione di PD-L1 intracellulare (iPD-L1) aumenta dopo 24h nelle HUVEC derivate da donatrici e stimolate con IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 o VEGF; nelle stesse condizioni i livelli di iPD-L1 nelle mHUVEC restano costanti. Inoltre, le HUVEC stimolate fino a 24h con IL-1β e VEGF rilasciano PD-L1 solubile (sPD-L1). Nelle HUVEC trattate con il VEGF il rilascio di sPD-L1 è inibito dal bevacizumab. Nelle HUVEC pretrattate con il GM6001, il trattamento con IL-1β non aumenta il rilascio del sPD-L1 suggerendo che questo venga rilasciato tramite taglio proteolitico ad opera delle MMP. In conclusione, l’espressione di PD-L1 endoteliale è regolata da diversi stimoli infiammatori, in maniera genere specifica, suggerendo un meccanismo di regolazione negativa nella donna per controllare l’autoimmunità.
Gender differences can be identified at multiple levels of the immune response. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PSA) are chronic systemic disorders characterized by synovitis. We explored potential gender differences in recruited inflammatory cells and angiogenic potential of synovial fluids (SFs) from RA and PSA patients, and tested the effects of digitoxin and polydatin treatment on SF-induced endothelial cell migration. SF was collected by arthrocentesis from untreated RA and PSA patients attending the Outpatient Clinic of the Rheumatology Unit (Padua University Hospital). White blood cell count in SFs from RA and PSA patients did not highlight gender differences. We then investigated potential gender differences in the levels of proangiogenic factors and metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 released during inflammation. Quantification of IL-1β, IL-10, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1, TGF-β and VEGF in SFs was performed using ELISA kits. Levels of pro-angiogenic factors and MMPs were higher in the SFs from RA and PSA patients compared to OA patients without significant gender differences. The presence of MMP-9 was associated specifically with polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell infiltration. HUVEC migration induced by inflammatory SFs was greater than that induced by non-inflammatory SFs. SFs induced the formation of capillary-like structures compared to negative control. HUVECs from female donors (fHUVECs) migrated more than male HUVECs in response to SFs from RA and PSA patients. Topological parameters of the capillary-like network were markedly enhanced in fHUVECs compared to mHUVECs stimulated with inflammatory SFs. Digitoxin and polydatin treatment were effective in impairing SF-induced migration and formation of capillary-like structures. In this thesis work we also showed that SFs from RA and PSA patients induced tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Digitoxin treatment at therapeutic concentrations inhibited FAK activation in HUVECs exposed to SFs from RA and PSA patients at different time points. We then focused on a possible endothelial mechanism that could be involved in gender differences in chronic inflammatory diseases. Immune checkpoints are negative regulators of the immune response. Pharmacological blockade of PD-1 or PD-L1 often leads to immune-related adverse events. PD-L1 is constitutively expressed in endothelial cells and can be upregulated by inflammatory stimuli as a suppressive signal. Of note, VEGF has been reported to upregulate the expression of PD-L1/PD1, and anti-VEGF agents show immunosupportive properties. However, it is unclear (a) whether and to what extent endothelial PD-L1 is a source of circulating sPD-L1 via proteolytic cleavage; and (b) if gender differences occur in the regulation of this system. HUVECs were stimulated with IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 or VEGF for 3 to 24 hours. Selected experiments were carried out in the presence of bevacizumab or the pan MMP inhibitor GM6001. Membrane PD-L1 was expressed on resting HUVECs, and no baseline differences between fHUVECs and mHUVECs were observed. Stimulation with IFN-γ or IL-1β for 24 h failed to increase membrane PD-L1 abundance. Conversely, the amount of intracellular PD-L1 after 24-h stimulation with IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 or VEGF increased in fHUVECs but not in mHUVECs. In addition, sPD-L1 released by IL-1β-stimulated fHUVECs increased in a time-dependent manner. Similarly, sPD-L1 also increased upon treatment of fHUVECs with VEGF for 6 or 24 h, an effect that was significantly inhibited by bevacizumab. In fHUVEC pretreated with the MPP inhibitor GM6001, IL-1β stimulation did not increase sPD-L1 release, suggesting that proteolytic cleavage of membrane PD-L1 occurred over time. In conclusion, endothelial PD-L1 was expressed and released in response to various inflammatory stimuli in a gender-specific manner, suggesting a feedback compensatory mechanism to control autoimmunity in females.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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