Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is a neoplastic disorder characterized by the clonal expansion and accumulation of B lymphocytes in peripheral blood, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues. CLL pathogenesis involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as apoptosis dysregulation and altered B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling. The heterogenous disease course can range from an indolent condition to a very aggressive form of leukemia; thus, it is important to identify novel biological features to predict patients’ prognosis. Indeed, the research for molecules involved in increased survival and drug resistance of neoplastic B cells is ongoing. In this context, we focused on the role of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK), a 125kDa protein which, upon phosphorylation on Y397, is activated and can recruit numerous signaling molecules. Especially in solid tumors, FAK can regulate several cellular processes, like adhesion, migration, apoptosis, and proliferation. Besides, as a component of focal adhesions, this kinase participates in the dynamic turnover of these structures, a process regulated through proteolytic cleavage by Calpain, a Ca2+-dependent enzyme. The same cellular mechanisms of cytoskeleton remodeling and motility of the tumor cell are regulated by hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein 1 (HS1) and its homolog Cortactin, over-expressed in CLL and associated with disease aggressiveness. With this as a background and provided that Cortactin and HS1 can interact with FAK, we hypothesized that FAK might play a key role in CLL pathogenesis and/or maintenance. Therefore, the aim of this three-year PhD project was to characterize FAK functions in CLL cells. We found that FAK expression was variable among CLL patients, with poor prognosis U-CLL cases showing a down-modulation of the 125kDa full-length form (n=56, 0.39±0.36 vs n=67 M-CLL, 0.73±0.72; p<0.01, Student’s t test). Analyzing the presence of other forms of the kinase, we proved that FAK was present also as lower molecular weight bands of 92/94, 84 and 50kDa, compatible with Calpain cleaved fragments. These fragments were found in great amount in the BCR responsive patients, whose receptor signaling is more active, and in which we found a trend toward increased Calpain expression. These cleaved forms were also phosphorylated in Y397, meaning active, and able to relocate inside the cells, since they lacked the domain for the localization near the membrane. We found that cleaved FAK was present inside the nucleus, especially of the responsive patients. Analyzing the relationship with other molecules involved in CLL aggressiveness, like HS1 and Cortactin, both through flow cytometry and RPPA analysis, we demonstrated that FAK activation was significantly correlated with the over-expression of the two molecules, suggesting that FAK itself may be involved in a pathway for increased aggressiveness of the disease. To investigate FAK role in tumor survival, we treated CLL cells with 5µM Defactinib, a selective inhibitor for the kinase. After 24 hours of in vitro treatment, we demonstrated a reduction in the viability of leukemic lymphocytes (n=46; 33±24% vs untreated control, 62±17%, p<0.0001, paired Student’s t test). In conclusion, we hypothesized that FAK and its cleaved fragments by Calpain are involved in CLL pathogenesis or, in particular, in the more aggressive disease phenotype. Its ability to translocate inside the nucleus and the reported pro-survival functions suggest that FAK is implicated in pathways participating in apoptosis resistance. In addition, the correlation with other molecules linked to CLL aggressiveness, namely HS1 and Cortactin, indicate an involvement of FAK in promoting a malignant disease phenotype. The apoptotic effects of the FAK inhibitor Defactinib gave further demonstration of the kinase participation in a survival mechanism in CLL.
La Leucemia Linfatica Cronica (LLC) è una malattia linfoproliferativa caratterizzata dall’espansione e accumulo di linfociti B nel sangue, nel midollo osseo e nei tessuti linfoidi. La patogenesi coinvolge fattori intrinseci e estrinseci, come la deregolazione dell'apoptosi e l’alterato signaling del BCR. Il decorso della malattia è molto eterogeneo e può variare da una condizione indolente ad una forma molto aggressiva; per questo è fondamentale identificare nuove caratteristiche che possano dare indicazioni sulla prognosi dei pazienti. Infatti, la ricerca di molecole coinvolte nella sopravvivenza e nella resistenza ai farmaci delle cellule leucemiche è sempre più attuale. In questo contesto, abbiamo indagato sulla chinasi di adesione focale (FAK), proteina di 125kDa che, in seguito a fosforilazione, viene attivata e può reclutare numerose proteine di segnale. Specialmente nei tumori solidi, FAK controlla l’adesione, la migrazione, l’apoptosi e la proliferazione. La chinasi partecipa inoltre al turnover delle adesioni focali, processo regolato dal taglio proteolitico di FAK da parte di Calpaina, enzima dipendente dal calcio. Gli stessi meccanismi di motilità cellulare sono regolati anche da HS1 (Hematopoietic lineage cell Specific protein-1) e Cortactina, entrambe over-espresse e associate a prognosi infausta nella LLC. Con queste premesse, e considerando che HS1 e Cortactina possono interagire con FAK, abbiamo ipotizzato che la stessa FAK potrebbe svolgere un ruolo nella patogenesi della LLC. Lo scopo di questo progetto è stato, quindi, caratterizzare le funzioni di FAK nelle cellule di LLC. Abbiamo dimostrato che l'espressione di FAK nei pazienti con LLC era variabile, con i casi U-LLC a prognosi sfavorevole che mostravano una down-modulazione della forma full-length (0,39±0,36 vs M-LLC, 0,73±0,72; p<0,01, test t di Student). Analizzando la presenza di altre forme della chinasi, abbiamo dimostrato che FAK era presente anche come bande a peso molecolare di 92/94, 84 e 50kDa, compatibili con un clivaggio mediante Calpaina. Questi frammenti sono stati trovati in maggiore quantità nei pazienti con BCR responsivo, cioè con signaling più attivo, nei quali abbiamo anche riscontrato una tendenza verso un’aumentata espressione di Calpaina, rispetto ai pazienti non-responsivi. Queste forme clivate erano anche fosforilate in Y397, cioè attive, e in grado di muoversi nella cellula, poiché prive del dominio di localizzazione in membrana; FAK clivata, infatti, era presente nel nucleo, specialmente nei pazienti responsivi. Analizzando la relazione con molecole coinvolte nell'aggressività della LLC, come HS1 e Cortactina, mediante citofluorimetria e analisi RPPA, abbiamo dimostrato che l’attivazione di FAK era significativamente correlata con la sovra-espressione di queste due molecole, suggerendo che FAK stessa potrebbe essere coinvolta in un pathway che favorisce l’aggressività della malattia. Per studiare il ruolo di FAK nella sopravvivenza delle cellule tumorali abbiamo trattato i linfociti di LLC con Defactinib, inibitore selettivo della chinasi. Dopo 24 ore di trattamento in vitro, abbiamo dimostrato una riduzione della vitalità delle cellule leucemiche (33±24% vs controllo non trattato, 62±17%, p<0,0001, test t di Student per dati appaiati). In conclusione, ipotizziamo che FAK e i suoi frammenti clivati siano coinvolti nella patogenesi della LLC o, in particolare, nel fenotipo più aggressivo. La capacità di traslocare nel nucleo e le riportate funzioni pro-sopravvivenza suggeriscono che FAK sia implicata in un pathway di resistenza all'apoptosi. Inoltre, la correlazione con molecole legate all'aggressività della LLC, ovvero HS1 e Cortactina, indicano un coinvolgimento di FAK nel fenotipo maligno della malattia. Gli effetti apoptotici dell'inibizione di FAK hanno dato un'ulteriore dimostrazione della partecipazione della chinasi a un meccanismo di sopravvivenza nella LLC.
Ruolo della chinasi di adesione focale (FAK) nella patogenesi della Leucemia Linfatica Cronica / Pizzo, Serena. - (2022 Feb 21).
Ruolo della chinasi di adesione focale (FAK) nella patogenesi della Leucemia Linfatica Cronica.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is a neoplastic disorder characterized by the clonal expansion and accumulation of B lymphocytes in peripheral blood, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues. CLL pathogenesis involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as apoptosis dysregulation and altered B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling. The heterogenous disease course can range from an indolent condition to a very aggressive form of leukemia; thus, it is important to identify novel biological features to predict patients’ prognosis. Indeed, the research for molecules involved in increased survival and drug resistance of neoplastic B cells is ongoing. In this context, we focused on the role of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK), a 125kDa protein which, upon phosphorylation on Y397, is activated and can recruit numerous signaling molecules. Especially in solid tumors, FAK can regulate several cellular processes, like adhesion, migration, apoptosis, and proliferation. Besides, as a component of focal adhesions, this kinase participates in the dynamic turnover of these structures, a process regulated through proteolytic cleavage by Calpain, a Ca2+-dependent enzyme. The same cellular mechanisms of cytoskeleton remodeling and motility of the tumor cell are regulated by hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein 1 (HS1) and its homolog Cortactin, over-expressed in CLL and associated with disease aggressiveness. With this as a background and provided that Cortactin and HS1 can interact with FAK, we hypothesized that FAK might play a key role in CLL pathogenesis and/or maintenance. Therefore, the aim of this three-year PhD project was to characterize FAK functions in CLL cells. We found that FAK expression was variable among CLL patients, with poor prognosis U-CLL cases showing a down-modulation of the 125kDa full-length form (n=56, 0.39±0.36 vs n=67 M-CLL, 0.73±0.72; p<0.01, Student’s t test). Analyzing the presence of other forms of the kinase, we proved that FAK was present also as lower molecular weight bands of 92/94, 84 and 50kDa, compatible with Calpain cleaved fragments. These fragments were found in great amount in the BCR responsive patients, whose receptor signaling is more active, and in which we found a trend toward increased Calpain expression. These cleaved forms were also phosphorylated in Y397, meaning active, and able to relocate inside the cells, since they lacked the domain for the localization near the membrane. We found that cleaved FAK was present inside the nucleus, especially of the responsive patients. Analyzing the relationship with other molecules involved in CLL aggressiveness, like HS1 and Cortactin, both through flow cytometry and RPPA analysis, we demonstrated that FAK activation was significantly correlated with the over-expression of the two molecules, suggesting that FAK itself may be involved in a pathway for increased aggressiveness of the disease. To investigate FAK role in tumor survival, we treated CLL cells with 5µM Defactinib, a selective inhibitor for the kinase. After 24 hours of in vitro treatment, we demonstrated a reduction in the viability of leukemic lymphocytes (n=46; 33±24% vs untreated control, 62±17%, p<0.0001, paired Student’s t test). In conclusion, we hypothesized that FAK and its cleaved fragments by Calpain are involved in CLL pathogenesis or, in particular, in the more aggressive disease phenotype. Its ability to translocate inside the nucleus and the reported pro-survival functions suggest that FAK is implicated in pathways participating in apoptosis resistance. In addition, the correlation with other molecules linked to CLL aggressiveness, namely HS1 and Cortactin, indicate an involvement of FAK in promoting a malignant disease phenotype. The apoptotic effects of the FAK inhibitor Defactinib gave further demonstration of the kinase participation in a survival mechanism in CLL.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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