The title compd. is monoclinic, space group P21/c, with a 12.342(5), b 9.305(4), c 14.201(5) Å, and β 110.88(5)°; dm = 2.12(1) and dc = 2.13 for Z = 4. The final R = 3.16% for 2286 reflections. The Eu is 10-coordinated, being directly bonded to the O atoms of the glycol and of 3 bidentate NO3. The glycol mol. forms a ring-like structure around the metal together with a NO3 ion; 2 other NO3 are axial above and below the ring plane. Eu-O bond distances are 2.433(4)-2.508(4) Å for the glycol and 2.488(5)-2.522(5) Å for the NO3 atoms. At. coordinates are given. = 1 5 2 4 ( l ) A r . Z=4. D - ( f l o t a t i o n ) - 2 . t 2 i l ) , . ' , =2 l 3 M c m - r , M o K u , 1 : 0 . 7 t 0 6 9 4 " u : 4.55 mn-', F(om)- 952, rmm temFrarure. À = 3.16% Íor 2286 obsened .enections. The Eu atom ìs @n-c6rdinated being diredly bonded to rhe oxygen aroms of the gly@l Md of thrce bidetrtate nitrates. The glycol molecule forms a ringlike strucrure around rhe metd together with a nitrate iooi go orher nitrates are uial above ùd below lhe ring plee. Eu-O bond dstances are in rhe range 2.433 (4F2.508 (4) A for rhe md 2.488 (5F2.522 (5) A for rh€ ntraro oxyg€n abms.
Trinitrato-(O,O')(triethylene glycol)europium(III), Eu(NO3)3 (C6H14O4).
The title compd. is monoclinic, space group P21/c, with a 12.342(5), b 9.305(4), c 14.201(5) Å, and β 110.88(5)°; dm = 2.12(1) and dc = 2.13 for Z = 4. The final R = 3.16% for 2286 reflections. The Eu is 10-coordinated, being directly bonded to the O atoms of the glycol and of 3 bidentate NO3. The glycol mol. forms a ring-like structure around the metal together with a NO3 ion; 2 other NO3 are axial above and below the ring plane. Eu-O bond distances are 2.433(4)-2.508(4) Å for the glycol and 2.488(5)-2.522(5) Å for the NO3 atoms. At. coordinates are given. = 1 5 2 4 ( l ) A r . Z=4. D - ( f l o t a t i o n ) - 2 . t 2 i l ) , . ' , =2 l 3 M c m - r , M o K u , 1 : 0 . 7 t 0 6 9 4 " u : 4.55 mn-', F(om)- 952, rmm temFrarure. À = 3.16% Íor 2286 obsened .enections. The Eu atom ìs @n-c6rdinated being diredly bonded to rhe oxygen aroms of the gly@l Md of thrce bidetrtate nitrates. The glycol molecule forms a ringlike strucrure around rhe metd together with a nitrate iooi go orher nitrates are uial above ùd below lhe ring plee. Eu-O bond dstances are in rhe range 2.433 (4F2.508 (4) A for rhe md 2.488 (5F2.522 (5) A for rh€ ntraro oxyg€n abms.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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