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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new cogeneration residential system based on solid oxide fuel cells a northern European climate 2015 Giulio Vialetto + - - Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2015
An innovative approach to design cogeneration systems based on big data analysis and use of clustering methods 2020 Vialetto G.Noro M. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
An innovative approach to design cogeneration systems based on big data analysis and use of clustering methods 2019 Vialetto GiulioNoro Marco - - Proceedings “14th SDEWES Conference”
Analysis of a cogeneration system based on solid oxide fuel cell and air source heat pump with novel heat recovery 2017 VIALETTO, GIULIONORO, MARCO + - - Proceedings “12th SDEWES Conference”
Combined micro-cogeneration and electric vehicle system for household application: An energy and economic analysis in a Northern European climate 2017 VIALETTO, GIULIONORO, MARCO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY - -
Come aumentare l’efficienza energetica di uno stabilimento industriale con sistemi SOFC-SOEC 2022 VIALETTO G.NORO M. + AICARR JOURNAL - -
Energy efficiency in industrial facilities - Improvements on energy transformation and data analysis 2019 Vialetto, Giulio - - -
Enhancement of energy generation efficiency in industrial facilities by SOFC – SOEC systems with additional hydrogen production 2019 Vialetto, GiulioNoro, Marco + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY - -
Enhancement of Short-Term Forecasting Method Based on Clustering and kNN: Application to an Industrial Facility Powered By a Cogenerator 2019 Giulio VialettoMarco Noro ENERGIES - -
Influence of the equivalent electric load strategy on energy demand forecasting 2023 Vialetto G.Noro M. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. ENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITY - -
Innovative household systems based on solid oxide fuel cells for a northern European climate 2015 Vialetto, Giulio + RENEWABLE ENERGY - -
Innovative household systems based on solid oxide fuel cells for the Mediterranean climate 2015 Vialetto, GiulioNORO, MARCO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY - -
Residential Systems Based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Scandinavian Climate 2015 Giulio Vialetto + - - Proceedings of The 10th International Green Energy Conference, IGEC-2015-1367
Studying a Hybrid System Based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined With an Air Source Heat Pump and With a Novel Heat Recovery 2019 Vialetto, GiulioNoro, Marco + JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY CONVERSION AND STORAGE - -
Thermodynamic analysis of a shared cogeneration system and electrical mobility located in a Northern Europe climate 2016 Vialetto, GiulioNORO, MARCO + - - 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference
Thermodynamic investigation of a shared cogeneration system with electrical cars for northern Europe climate 2017 VIALETTO, GIULIONORO, MARCO + JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS - -