Holden, Livia
Holden, Livia
Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata - FISPPA
) Review of Asylum Denied by Ngaruri and Schrag and Anthropology and Expertise in the Asylum Courts by Anthony Good
2009 Holden, Livia
A woman in academia ... and what about the children?
2019 Holden, Livia
Acting For Equity. Women's Legal Awareness In Hindu Customs Of Divorce And Remarriage In Central India
2003 Holden, Livia
Beyond Anthropological Expert Witnessing: Toward an Integrated Definition of Cultural Expertise
2019 Holden, Livia
2012 Holden, Livia
Bribery and Graft
2012 Holden, Livia
Complicity of International Community (Witness of genocide: Romeo Dallaire
2012 Holden, Livia
Consommation rituelle et consommation physique. Le mariage hindou moderne entre dharma et pratiques coutumières
2002 Holden, Livia
Corrupted files: cross-fading defence strategies of a Vesuvian defence lawyer
2007 Holden, Livia
2012 Holden, Livia
Cultural expertise and law: an historical overview
2019 Holden, Livia
Cultural Expertise and Litigation
2011 Holden, Livia
Cultural Expertise and Socio-legal Studies: Introduction
2019 Holden, Livia
Custom and law practices in Central India: some case studies
2003 Holden, Livia
Daughter’s Inheritance, Legal Pluralism, and Governance in Pakistan
2013 Holden, Livia
Divorce at the Woman’s Initiative in South Asia and in the Diasporas
2012 Holden, Livia
Divorce in Hindu Law
2012 Holden, Livia
Divorcing by custom: Women’s agencies and lawyers' praxis in (un)official Hindu law
2004 Holden, Livia
Divorzio su iniziativa della donna e seconde nozze nel diritto indù: consuetudini e strategie nel distretto di Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh)
2002 Holden, Livia
Doing nothing successfully
2006 Holden, Livia