Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno" - DSEA
Analisi dei bisogni delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni nell’area transfrontaliera
2014 Apa, Roberta; Ganzaroli, A.; Sedita, SILVIA RITA
Are M&As driving exploitation or exploration?
2016 Belussi, Fiorenza; De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Orsi, L.
Capitale sociale, fiducia, cluster management e performance innovative delle imprese nei cluster
2013 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Pilotti, L.
Earthworm as an alternative protein source in poultry and fish farming: Current applications and future perspectives
2020 Parolini, M.; Ganzaroli, A.; Bacenetti, J.
Enhancing the inventive capacity of European regions through interregional collaboration
2023 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.
Evaluating post-acquisition technological performance by measuring absorption-related invention
2016 Orsi, L.; Ganzaroli, A.; De Noni, I.; Marelli, F.
Evolving through exaptation: the case of L’Oreal
2012 Ganzaroli, A.; Sedita, SILVIA RITA; Belussi, Fiorenza
Evolving through innovation and knowledge reutilization: The case of L'Oréal.
2016 Belussi, Fiorenza; Sedita, SILVIA RITA; Ganzaroli, A.; Orsi, L.
Exaptive innovation in constraint-based environments: lessons from COVID-19 crisis
2022 Sedita, Sr; Blasi, S; Ganzaroli, A
Exploring the role of dynamic capabilities in digital circular business model innovation: Results from a grounded systematic inductive analysis of 7 case studies
2023 van Eechoud, T.; Ganzaroli, A.
Factors driving the share and growth of Chinese entrepreneurship in Italy
2020 Apa, Roberta; De Noni, Ivan; Ganzaroli, Andrea
Green Invention as Leverage for Economic Growth in Locally Collaborative European Regions
2021 De Noni, Ivan; Ganzaroli, Andrea; Orsi, Luigi
Immigrant entrepreneurship in the Milan metropolitan area: results from an empirical analysis
2013 Ivan De, Noni; Andrea, Ganzaroli; Orsi, Luigi; Luciano, Pilotti
Immigrant entrepreneurship in the Milan metropolitan area: results from an empirical analysis
2013 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Orsi, L.; Pilotti, L.
Imprenditoria immigrata e area metropolitana milanese: un’indagine empirica
2014 I., De Noni; A., Ganzaroli; Orsi, Luigi
Imprese e imprenditori stranieri in Italia
2014 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Pilotti, L.
Improvement of human health and environmental costs in the European Union by air scrubbers in intensive pig farming
2020 Costantini, M.; Bacenetti, J.; Coppola, G.; Orsi, L.; Ganzaroli, A.; Guarino, M.
Innovation, absorptive capacity, environmental complexity, trust and cooperation within clusters
2013 I. D., Noni; A., Ganzaroli; Orsi, Luigi; A., Roberta
Innovation, absorptive capacity, environmental complexity, trust and cooperation within clusters
2013 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Orsi, L.; Apa, R.
INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE E PERFORMANCE NELLE PMI. Il successo mediato dall’apprendimento
2021 De Noni, Ivan; Ganzaroli, Andrea