Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei" - DFA
2-Group symmetries and their classification in 6d
2022 Apruzzi, F; Bhardwaj, L; Gould, Dsw; Schafer-Nameki, S
4D gauge theories with conformal matter
2018 Apruzzi, F; Heckman, J J; Morrison, D R; Tizzano, L
4d N=2 S-folds
2020 Apruzzi, F; Giacomelli, S; Schäfer-Nameki, S
5d SCFTs from decoupling and gluing
2020 Apruzzi, F; Schäfer-Nameki, S; Wang, Y-N
5d superconformal field theories and graphs
2020 Apruzzi, F; Lawrie, C; Lin, L; Schäfer-Nameki, S; Wang, Y-N
A new 6d fixed point from holography
2016 Apruzzi, F; Dibitetto, G; Tizzano, L
A New Construction of Calabi-Yau Manifolds: Generalized CICYs
2016 Anderson L, B.; Apruzzi, F; Gao, X; Gray, J; Lee, S-J
AdS6 solutions of type II supergravity
2014 Apruzzi, F; Fazzi, M; Passias, A; Rosa, D; Tomasiello, A
AdS7/CFT6 with orientifolds
2018 Apruzzi, F; Fazzi, M
All AdS7 solutions of type II supergravity
2014 Apruzzi, F; Fazzi, M; Rosa, D; Tomasiello, A
Aspects of categorical symmetries from branes: SymTFTs and generalized charges
2024 Apruzzi, Fabio; Bonetti, Federico; Gould, Dewi S. W.; Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura
Fibers add flavor. Part I. Classification of 5d SCFTs, flavor symmetries and BPS states
2019 Apruzzi, F; Lawrie, C; Lin, L; Schäfer-Nameki, S; Wang, Y-N
Fibers add flavor. Part II. 5d SCFTs, gauge theories, and dualities
2020 Apruzzi, F; Lawrie, C; Lin, L; Schäfer-Nameki, S; Wang, Y-N
From 6D superconformal field theories to dynamic gauged linear sigma models
2017 Apruzzi, F; Hassler, F; Heckman, J J; Melnikov, I V
General prescription for global U(1)'s in 6D SCFTs
2020 Apruzzi, F; Fazzi, M; Heckman, J J; Rudelius, T; Zhang, H Y
Generalized quotients and holographic duals for 5d S-fold SCFTs
2023 Apruzzi, Fabio; Bergman, Oren; Kim, Hee-Cheol; Uhlemann, Christoph F.
Green-Schwarz automorphisms and 6D SCFTs
2018 Apruzzi, F; Heckman, J J; Rudelius, T
Higher form symmetries TFT in 6d
2022 Apruzzi, Fabio
Holography, 1-form symmetries, and confinement
2021 Apruzzi, Fabio; van Beest, Marieke; Gould, Dewi S. W.; Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura
Instanton superpotentials, Calabi-Yau geometry, and fibrations
2016 Anderson L, B.; Apruzzi, F; Gao, X; Gray, J; Lee, S-J