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[Mobile phones and head tumours: it is time to read and highlight data in a proper way]. 2011 LEVIS, ANGELO GINOGARBISA, SPIRIDIONE + EPIDEMIOLOGIA E PREVENZIONE - -
Alcohol metabolism in the upper digestive tract: its implications with respect to carcinogenesis. 1992 FARINATI, FABIOZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINOBURRA, PATRIZIAVENIER, PAOLANITTI, DONATOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION - -
BaPDE-DNA adduct formation and removal in cultured human epidermal keratinocytes 1993 PAVANELLO, SOFIANAVAZIO, LORELLACONCONI, MARIA TERESAPARNIGOTTO, PIER PAOLOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO - - -
Biological monitoring of human exposure to coal tar. Urinary excretion of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1-hydroxypyrene and mutagens in psoriatic patients. 1989 CLONFERO, ERMINIOZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINOVENIER, PAOLALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - -
Biomonitoring of human populations exposed to PAH: DNA adduct formation in blood lymphocytes of human populations exposed to PAH 1993 PAVANELLO, SOFIANAVAZIO, LORELLALEVIS, ANGELO GINO - - Biomonitoring of human populations exposed to PAH: DNA adduct formation in blood lymphocytes of human populations exposed to PAH
Chromium-induced sister chromatid exchange in CHO cells. 1982 MAJONE, FRANCAMARIN, GUGLIELMOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO CARYOLOGIA - -
Chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster cells treated in vitro with hexavalent chromium compounds. 1979 MAJONE, FRANCALEVIS, ANGELO GINO MUTATION RESEARCH - -
Cordycepin reduces the sensitivity of BALB/Mo mouse lymphocytes to the induction of sister chromatid exchanges. 1985 MAJONE, FRANCARONCHESE, FRANCADE ROSSI, ANITALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + CARCINOGENESIS - -
Cytogenetic alterations in Mytilus galloprovincialis as indicators of the presence of genotoxic pollutants in the marine environment: methodological aspets. 1990 BRUNETTI, RICCARDOMAJONE, FRANCAZORDAN, MAUROLEVIS, ANGELO GINO - - Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and Teratogenic marine pollutants: impact on human health and the environment (WHO and UNEP)
Cytotoxic and clastogenic effects of soluble and insoluble compounds containing hexavalent and trivalent chromium. 1981 LEVIS, ANGELO GINOMAJONE, FRANCA BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
Cytotoxic and clastogenic effects of soluble chromium compounds on mammalian cell cultures. 1979 LEVIS, ANGELO GINOMAJONE, FRANCA BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
Cytotoxic, mutagenic and clastogenic effects of industrial chromium compounds. 1982 VENIER, PAOLAMAJONE, FRANCABIANCHI, VERALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + CARCINOGENESIS - -
Detection of mutagenic pollutants of inland and coastal waters by means of the Salmonella/microsome assay 1993 VENIER, PAOLANAVAZIO, GIANCARLOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO + ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY - -
Differential effects of cordycepin on the induction of sister-chromatid exchange and chromatid breaks in BALB/Mo mouse lymphocytes treated with mitomycin C. 1987 MAJONE, FRANCABRUNETTI, RICCARDOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO + MUTAGENESIS - -
DNA adducts in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Zosterisessor ophiocephalus collected from PAC-polluted and reference sites of the Venice lagoon. 1996 VENIER, PAOLACANOVA, SABRINALEVIS, ANGELO GINO POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC COMPOUNDS - -
Effects of nitrilotriacetic acid on the induction of gene mutations and sister chromatid exchanges by insoluble chromium compounds. 1985 VENIER, PAOLABIANCHI, VERALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + MUTATION RESEARCH - -
Escrezione urinaria di mutageni e cisplatino nel personale infermieristico dei reparti di oncologia medica esposto a farmaci citostatici. 1989 CLONFERO, ERMINIOGORI, GIAMPAOLOVENIER, PAOLALEVIS, ANGELO GINOBARTOLUCCI, GIOVANNI BATTISTASAIA, ONOFRIO BRUNO + LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO - -
Evaluation of mutagenic activity of organic micropollutants present in surface waters 1992 Venier, P.Navazio, G.Levis, A. G. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION - -
Evaluation of the mutagenicity of water organic extracts by the Salmonella/microsome assay. 1992 VENIER, PAOLACONTIERO, EVALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + MUTATION RESEARCH - -
Genetic effects of chromiun tannins. 1985 VENIER, PAOLABIANCHI, VERALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + CARCINOGENESIS - -