Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Noisy beets": impact of phenotyping errors on genomic predictions for binary traits in Beta vulgaris 2016 BROCCANELLO, CHIARASTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIO + PLANT METHODS - -
A candidate single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker linked to resistance to infection with rhizoctonia in sugar beet 2018 Bahram HeidariPiergiorgio StevanatoChiara BroccanelloGiuseppe Concheri + - - Poster Programme, Root rot diseases
A new polymorphism on chromosome 6 associated with bolting tendency in sugar beet 2015 BROCCANELLO, CHIARASTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOSACCOMANI, MASSIMO + BMC GENETICS - -
A SNP mutation affects rhizomania-virus content of sugar beets grown on resistance-breaking soils 2018 Broccanello, ChiaraChiodi, ClaudiaBarone, ValeriaSquartini, AndreaConcheri, GiuseppeStevanato, Piergiorgio + EUPHYTICA - -
Association between SNP183 and bolting tendency in sugar beet. 2015 BROCCANELLO, CHIARASTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOSACCOMANI, MASSIMO + - - Proc. Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference
Bacterial community composition in a soil carrying a resistance-breaking strain of the rhizomania virus BNYVV in comparison to standard soils 2020 Claudia ChiodiChiara BroccanelloPiergiorgio StevanatoLaura TreuMatteo MoroGiovanni BertoldoMaria Cristina Della LuciaSamathmika RaviLaura MarettoStefano CampanaroGiuseppe ConcheriAndrea Squartini + - - Abstracts of Papers. Maximising sugar beet performance in a changing climate
Bacterial endophytes as indicators of susceptibility to Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS) disease in Beta vulgaris L 2022 Broccanello, ChiaraRavi, SamathmikaDeb, SaptarathiMaretto, LauraLucia, Maria Cristina DellaBertoldo, GiovanniConcheri, GiuseppeSquartini, AndreaStevanato, Piergiorgio + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Biotechnology application in sugar beet breeding 2014 STEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOBROCCANELLO, CHIARASACCOMANI, MASSIMO - - Proc. International conference IAPSIT
Biotechnology applications in sugar beet breeding 2016 Broccanello, Chiara - - -
Comparison of three PCR-based assays for SNP genotyping in plants 2018 Chiara BroccanelloClaudia ChiodiPiergiorgio Stevanato + PLANT METHODS - -
Detection of gene flow from wild to cultivated beet by digital PCR 2016 Broccanello ChiaraMIRANDOLA, STEFANOMarco BertaggiaPiergiorgio StevanatoGiuseppe Concheri + - - 1st DAFNAE Postgraduate Scientists Meeting
Developing a parsimonius predictor for binary traits in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) 2015 STEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOBROCCANELLO, CHIARA + MOLECULAR BREEDING - -
Development and validation of a novel SNP panel for the genetic characterization of Italian chicken breeds by next-generation sequencing discovery and array genotyping 2017 VIALE, ELISABETTABroccanello C.DALMASSO, ALESSANDRADe Marchi M.Cassandro M. + POULTRY SCIENCE - -
Digital PCR for genotyping of SNP_BvBTC1 in DNA bulks of sugar beet 2016 Stevanato PiergiorgioChiara BroccanelloGiuseppe Concheri + - - Sugar Beet Workshop. International Plant & Animal Genome XXIV
Effect of different fertilizers on soil bacterial communities analyzed by 16S fingerprinting and barcoding 2013 ROSSELLI, RICCARDOMENEGHESSO, ANDREASTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOBROCCANELLO, CHIARACONCHERI, GIUSEPPESQUARTINI, ANDREA + - - Book of Abstracts V International Conference on Enviromental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Endophytic microbiome responses to sulfur availability in beta vulgaris (L.) 2021 Bertoldo G.Della Lucia M. C.Squartini A.Concheri G.Broccanello C.Ravi S.Cagnin M.Stevanato P. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Expression profiling of candidate genes in sugar beet leaves treated with leonardite-based biostimulant 2019 Heidari B.Bertoldo G.Broccanello C.Squartini A.Concheri G.Nardi S.Stevanato P. + HIGH-THROUGHPUT - -
Genetic expression and root architecture changes in Beta vulgaris L. treated with a leonardite-based formulate 2018 V. BaroneG. BertoldoP. StevanatoC. BroccanelloM. CagninMORO, MATTEOS. NardiG. Concheri + - - Atti del XXXVI Convegno Nazionale SICA, Il ruolo della Chimica Agraria per la gestione sostenibile delle risorse agrarie e forestali
Genome-enabled predictions for binomial traits in sugar beet populations 2014 STEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOBROCCANELLO, CHIARASACCOMANI, MASSIMO + BMC GENETICS - -
Genomic Resources and Marker-Assisted Selection in Jatropha curcas 2019 Trebbi D.Ravi S.Broccanello C.Chiodi C.Stevanato P. - - Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop