Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.419
NA - Nord America 3.326
AS - Asia 791
AF - Africa 81
SA - Sud America 45
OC - Oceania 41
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 7.704
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.272
FR - Francia 2.242
CN - Cina 515
IT - Italia 500
ES - Italia 223
DE - Germania 162
GB - Regno Unito 97
IN - India 56
CA - Canada 49
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 42
AU - Australia 39
JP - Giappone 37
FI - Finlandia 34
ZA - Sudafrica 33
HK - Hong Kong 26
NL - Olanda 24
RU - Federazione Russa 24
BR - Brasile 15
TR - Turchia 15
IE - Irlanda 14
PH - Filippine 14
TW - Taiwan 14
LT - Lituania 13
SG - Singapore 13
CL - Cile 12
SE - Svezia 12
CH - Svizzera 10
KR - Corea 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
MY - Malesia 9
RO - Romania 9
UA - Ucraina 9
IR - Iran 8
VN - Vietnam 8
GR - Grecia 7
KE - Kenya 7
BE - Belgio 6
CO - Colombia 6
ET - Etiopia 6
NG - Nigeria 6
PE - Perù 6
ID - Indonesia 5
MA - Marocco 5
NP - Nepal 5
AR - Argentina 4
PL - Polonia 4
SI - Slovenia 4
SO - Somalia 4
HR - Croazia 3
MX - Messico 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PT - Portogallo 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TN - Tunisia 3
UG - Uganda 3
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
GA - Gabon 2
GH - Ghana 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MW - Malawi 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
YE - Yemen 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
BJ - Benin 1
BS - Bahamas 1
CD - Congo 1
CM - Camerun 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
ER - Eritrea 1
IL - Israele 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
SS - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.SS??? 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 7.704
Città #
Paris 423
Fairfield 397
Ashburn 293
Beijing 270
Padova 249
Houston 231
Buffalo 206
Seattle 206
Woodbridge 180
Santa Cruz 161
Cambridge 151
Columbus 121
Ann Arbor 110
Wilmington 82
Dieppe 81
Chicago 65
Des Moines 54
San Diego 43
Barcelona 39
Los Angeles 39
Madrid 36
Las Vegas 33
Boardman 25
Helsinki 24
Milan 23
Muizenberg 23
Lepe 22
Phoenix 22
Shanghai 22
University Park 22
Clearwater 21
Rome 20
Wuhan 20
Nanjing 19
Ottawa 19
San Francisco 18
Frankfurt am Main 16
Dallas 14
Henderson 14
Lake Forest 14
Taipei 14
Council Bluffs 13
Dublin 12
Bengaluru 11
New York 11
Miami 10
Tokyo 10
Central 9
Guangzhou 9
Riva 9
Sydney 9
Adelaide 8
Atlanta 8
Fulda 8
Glasgow 8
Hangzhou 8
Kaunas 8
Lappeenranta 8
Legnaro 8
Munich 8
Singapore 8
Amsterdam 7
Ankara 7
Bergamo 7
Cedar Knolls 7
Créteil 7
Groningen 7
Melbourne 7
Milpitas 7
Nairobi 7
Palma De Mallorca 7
San Jose 7
Seoul 7
Toledo 7
Toronto 7
Bethel Park 6
Bologna 6
Changsha 6
Durham 6
Forest City 6
Göttingen 6
Las Rozas De Madrid 6
Nashville 6
Newcastle upon Tyne 6
Saint Petersburg 6
Sant'elena 6
Arce 5
Brendola 5
Büdelsdorf 5
Chengdu 5
Chennai 5
Hamilton 5
Herndon 5
Kolkata 5
Lima 5
Nürnberg 5
Passau 5
Provo 5
Shenyang 5
Silverton 5
Totale 4.259
Nome #
Aspetti epidemiologici della TBE nella Regione Veneto (2007-2018), file e14fb26c-63a4-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 1.407
Thyroid Dysfunction in Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Comparative Study at Two European Centers, file e14fb269-f5f3-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 649
Adverse event reporting and patient safety at a University Hospital: Mapping, correlating and associating events for a data-based patient risk management, file e14fb269-d8c2-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 268
Out-of-hours primary care services: Demands and patient referral patterns in a Veneto region (Italy) Local Health Authority, file e14fb267-b25b-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 262
Is osteoporosis a peculiar association with primary biliary cirrhosis?, file e14fb267-7d8a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 247
SOGS-RA gambling scores and substance use in adolescents, file e14fb26a-926f-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 224
Multimorbidity and Hospital Admissions in High-Need, High-Cost Elderly Patients, file e14fb26c-fccb-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 216
Disinfezione ambientale a tutela della salute dei ciclisti dell’Astana Pro Team durante il giro d’Italia 2019: studio pilota, file e14fb26c-1c24-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 189
Estimated hospitalization rate for diseases attributable to Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Veneto region of north-east Italy, file e14fb267-b3eb-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 163
Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine reduces the high mortality for community-acquired pneumonia in the elderly: An italian regional experience, file e14fb269-681e-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 148
Developing a new clinical governance framework for chronic diseases in primary care: an umbrella review, file e14fb26b-3d9b-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 138
Impact of a vaccination programme in children vaccinated with ProQuad, and ProQuad-specific effectiveness against varicella in the Veneto region of Italy, file e14fb26a-b414-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 137
Prevalence of heart failure and adherence to process indicators: Which socio-demographic determinants are involved?, file e14fb269-4d73-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 129
Estimation of Direct Melanoma-related Costs by Disease Stage and by Phase of Diagnosis and Treatment According to Clinical Guidelines, file 35cea053-a5ed-4601-8af5-b3d1f25524cd 127
Decline in hospitalization for genital warts in the Veneto region after an HPV vaccination program: An observational study, file e14fb269-ba51-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 127
Pregnane X receptor and constitutive androstane receptor modulate differently CYP3A-mediated metabolism in earlyand late-stage cholestasis, file e14fb26a-5218-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 119
Pathways connecting socioeconomic variables, substance abuse and gambling behaviour: a cross-sectional study on a sample of Italian high-school students, file e14fb26c-6379-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 118
Assessment of seroprevalence against poliovirus among Italian adolescents and adults, file e14fb26b-0f7a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 114
Post-graduate medical education in public health: The case of Italy and a call for action, file e14fb26a-a1ab-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 111
Self-reported genital warts among sexually-active university students: A cross-sectional study, file e14fb26a-7e9e-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 110
Invasive meningococcal disease in the Veneto region of Italy: A capture-recapture analysis for assessing the effectiveness of an integrated surveillance system, file e14fb269-b2b2-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 107
Health Literacy and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review, file e14fb26d-c623-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 107
Clean Colon Software Program (CCSP), Proposal of a standardized Method to quantify Colon Cleansing During Colonoscopy: Preliminary Results, file e14fb26a-5402-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 105
Multimorbidity patterns in high-need, high-cost elderly patients, file e14fb26b-2309-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 103
Determinants of out-of-hours service users' potentially inappropriate referral or non-referral to an emergency department: A retrospective cohort study in a local health authority, Veneto Region, Italy, file e14fb269-446f-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 102
Is depression a real risk factor for acute myocardial infarction mortality? A retrospective cohort study, file e14fb26b-bfdc-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 101
Health Outcomes and Direct Healthcare Costs in Patients with Melanoma: Associations with Level of Education, file e14fb26c-4e44-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 97
Problematic social networking site usage and substance use by young adolescents, file e14fb26b-595b-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 85
How does it work? Factors involved in telemedicine home-interventions effectiveness: A review of reviews, file e14fb26b-0f7b-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 78
Sex-Biased Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections and Gender Inequality in Rural Nepal, file e14fb26f-cd15-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 77
Esitazione vaccinale ed opposizione ai vaccini: il ruolo degli operatori sanitari non è sempre a sostegno delle vaccinazioni, file e14fb26c-6e25-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 75
The importance of sex as a risk factor for hospital readmissions due to pulmonary diseases, file e14fb26c-b5de-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 75
Livello di scolarizzazione e ricovero per condizioni gestibili ambulatorialmente: è necessario un approccio basato sull'istruzione, file e14fb26c-583b-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 74
May car washing represent a risk for Legionella infection?, file e14fb26a-925c-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 72
Stimulant substance use and gambling behaviour in adolescents. Gambling and stimulant use, file e14fb26e-9673-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 64
Health and health service usage outcomes of case management for patients with long-term conditions: A review of reviews, file e14fb26f-54dd-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 59
Palliative care quality measures: An exploratory study, file e14fb26b-595d-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 52
Marital status and stage of cancer at diagnosis: A systematic review, file e14fb26a-9313-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 45
Association between health literacy and dietary intake of sugar, fat and salt: A systematic review, file e14fb270-1c8c-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 41
Socioeconomic determinants in vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal in Italy, file e14fb26d-6e3f-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 40
Using failure mode, effect and criticality analysis to improve safety in the covid mass vaccination campaign, file e14fb26e-e03a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 39
Four-Component Recombinant Protein-Based Vaccine Effectiveness Against Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease in Italy, file 1a2cdeb3-224a-4a1a-90d2-2c8ed767226f 30
A surveillance system of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in North-Eastern Italy, file e14fb268-ecfe-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 30
Breast cancer primary prevention and diet: An umbrella review, file e14fb26e-9674-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 29
Pediatric emergency department visits during the COVID-19 pandemic: a large retrospective population-based study, file e14fb26f-5147-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 29
Towards the elimination of cervical cancer: HPV epidemiology, real-world experiences and the potential impact of the 9-valent HPV vaccine, file e14fb26f-86da-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 27
An update review on risk factors and scales for prediction of deep sternal wound infections., file e14fb269-7422-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 26
Geocoding health data with Geographic Information Systems: a pilot study in northeast Italy for developing a standardized data-acquiring format, file e14fb268-f435-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 25
Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination: a retrospective study of hospitalization for pneumonia in North-East Italy, file e14fb268-e481-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 24
The Effectiveness of a Diverse COVID-19 Vaccine Portfolio and Its Impact on the Persistence of Positivity and Length of Hospital Stays: The Veneto Region’s Experience, file e14fb26f-3229-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 24
Plasma Adiponectin Levels in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: A Novel Perspective for Link Between Hypercholesterolemia and Protection Against Atherosclerosis, file e14fb267-7f07-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 23
An integrated strategy for the prevention of sars-cov-2 infection in healthcare workers: A prospective observational study, file e14fb26d-64cd-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 23
Healthcare service usage and costs for elderly patients with obstructive lung disease, file e14fb26d-cb9f-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 23
Epidemiology of HCV infection, file e14fb267-9c6a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 19
Temporal trends in herpes zoster-related hospitalizations in Italy, 2001-2013: differences between regions that have or have not implemented varicella vaccination, file e14fb269-ca15-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 19
“Would You Get Vaccinated against COVID-19?” The Picture Emerging from a Study on the Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the General Population of the Veneto Region, file e14fb26f-c9df-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 19
Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the General Population of the Veneto Region: Results of a Screening Campaign with Third-Generation Rapid Antigen Tests in the Pre-Vaccine Era, file f9539f83-d466-4eaf-851f-cb975ac56740 19
Is emotional eating associated with behavioral traits and Mediterranean diet in children? A cross-sectional study, file 4f60ffaa-1268-4450-ba20-6c3cf8ab8990 18
Clinical course and outcome of autoimmune hepatitis/primary sclerosing cholangitis overlap syndrome, file e14fb267-9344-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 18
How different combinations of comorbidities affect healthcare use by elderly patients with obstructive lung disease, file e14fb26e-b12e-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 18
COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness against Omicron Variant among Underage Subjects: The Veneto Region's Experience, file e29634b4-d051-4726-ad82-4e90b56dea4b 18
Cutaneous Melanoma in Alpine Population: Incidence Trends and Clinicopathological Profile, file 0fdfe560-a71e-4450-80b5-1f8c9a971ac2 17
Evaluation of humoral and cellular response to four vaccines against COVID-19 in different age groups: A longitudinal study, file c374a15b-9678-4156-b028-eff11a082858 17
Rapid Antigen Test LumiraDxTM vs. Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Retrospective Cohort Study, file e14fb270-2d90-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 17
Cost-Effectiveness of Pneumococcal Vaccination in Adults in Italy: Comparing New Alternatives and Exploring the Role of GMT Ratios in Informing Vaccine Effectiveness., file 760dade0-49c2-4c28-9525-add5dd263a4c 16
A population-based study on the impact of hospitalization for pneumonia in different age groups., file e14fb267-b3da-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 16
Health care service usage and costs for high-needs elderly patients with heart failure, file e14fb26e-a280-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 16
An Independent Study to Compare Compliance, Attitudes, Knowledge, and Sources of Knowledge about Pneumococcal Vaccinations among an Italian Sample of Older Adults, file b99b83f9-8df4-4cd1-81ee-803fc220960b 15
Use of an artificial neural network to identify patient clusters in a large cohort of patients with melanoma by simultaneous analysis of costs and clinical characteristics, file e14fb26e-8cd7-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 15
Demographic and socio-economic factors, and healthcare resource indicators associated with the rapid spread of COVID-19 in Northern Italy: An ecological study, file e14fb26e-aff5-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 15
Adolescent gambling behavior: a gender oriented prevention strategy is required?, file 8618e20d-1848-4417-9073-4a5f93ea13f2 14
Malignant Melanoma: Direct Costs by Clinical and Pathological Profile, file 92620246-a95a-42ce-b2ec-edff4c8fb3bc 14
Travellers' Risk Behaviors and Health Problems: Post-Travel Follow Up in Two Travel Medicine Centers in Italy, file 95321032-2a3d-4c63-bbe8-6e67f60362d2 14
Analysis of p53 polymorphisms in individuals with multiple melanocytic nevi, file e14fb267-a471-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 14
Sex Differences in Cutaneous Melanoma: Incidence, Clinicopathological Profile, Survival, and Costs, file e14fb26f-5684-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 14
SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection and persistence in wastewater samples: An experimental network for COVID-19 environmental surveillance in Padua, Veneto Region (NE Italy), file e14fb26d-a900-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 13
Differences in Immunological Evasion of the Delta (B.1.617.2) and Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 Variants: A Retrospective Study on the Veneto Region's Population, file 8dee7b40-d835-4b1d-ac2a-e82d80e78930 12
Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Veneto Region: Analysis of Hospital Discharge Records from 2007 to 2021, file a36ca91d-1924-4da2-b197-850392e5dae9 12
Uncompleted Emergency Department Care (UEDC): A 5-year population-based study in the Veneto Region, Italy, file e14fb26c-6719-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Suppression of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the Italian municipality of Vo', file e14fb26d-5bae-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Microbiological hygiene quality of thermal muds: A pilot study in pelotherapy facilities of the euganean thermal district (ne italy), file e14fb26d-8970-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Time-trend of hospitalizations for anogenital warts in Veneto region in the HPV vaccination era: a cross sectional study (2007–2018), file e14fb26d-8d67-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Travellers' Risk Behaviors and Health Problems: Post-Travel Follow Up in Two Travel Medicine Centers in Italy, file e14fb26d-a0de-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Elderly people’s access to emergency departments during the covid‐19 pandemic: Results from a large population‐based study in italy, file e14fb26f-5452-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Prevalence of substance use and abuse in late childhood and early adolescence: What are the implications?, file e14fb26f-6ea4-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 12
Use of Information and Communication Technology Strategies to Increase Vaccination Coverage in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, file b7f8ea8c-e42a-4392-af84-df11d09651eb 11
Immunogenicity and Safety of an MF59®-Adjuvanted and a Non- Adjuvanted Inactivated Subunit Influenza Vaccine in Adults Affected by Chronic Diseases, file e14fb267-9c36-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
Time trend and variability of open versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with symptomatic gallstone disease, file e14fb267-9c6c-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
Therapy of chronic hepatitis C with PEG-IFN alpha-2b plus ribavirin in patients with genotype 2 or 3: 16 versus 24 weeks, clinical outcome and direct cost analyses, file e14fb267-b3b6-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
A postmarket safety comparison of 2 vaccination strategies for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella in Italy, file e14fb268-e067-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
Do We Know the True Burden of Tick-Borne Encephalitis? A Cross-Sectional Study, file e14fb26e-4f7a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
Persistence of Anti-Hbs after up to 30 Years in Health Care Workers Vaccinated against Hepatitis B Virus, file e14fb26e-9a92-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
Mental health of medical students belonging to sexual minorities: A focus on help-seeking behavior in an Italian multicenter survey, file e14fb26f-999a-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 11
SARS-CoV-2 Contamination of Ambulance Surfaces and Effectiveness of Routine Decontamination Procedure: A Classic Hygiene Lesson for A Novel Pathogen, file 53ff1607-b41f-4489-9ffb-3ea410e594f2 10
Epidemiological aspects of biliary tree tumors in a region of northern Italy: emerging trends and sex-based differences, file e14fb267-a702-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 10
Suppression of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the Italian municipality of Vo', file e14fb26d-5baf-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 10
Influenza coverage rates in subjects with chronic heart diseases: results obtained in four consecutive immunisation seasons in the Local Health Unit of Ferrara (North Italy)”, file e14fb26d-763f-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 10
Increased rate of day surgery use for inguinal and femoral hernia repair in a decade of hospital admissions in the Veneto Region (north-east Italy): a record linkage study., file e14fb26a-8ef5-3de1-e053-1705fe0ac030 9
Totale 7.561
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.123
article - articoli 22.954
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 46
Totale 46.123

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/201984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84
2019/2020721 84 41 37 38 64 59 57 65 101 51 64 60
2020/2021918 53 76 78 41 46 43 60 86 116 150 118 51
2021/20221.311 84 114 119 142 131 57 99 85 83 40 250 107
2022/20231.199 72 91 195 151 106 124 105 87 75 60 102 31
2023/20243.340 19 25 21 34 39 1.828 219 302 378 165 233 77
Totale 7.914