Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Newly Developed Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection and Quantification of Fusarium oxysporum and Its Use in Compatible and Incompatible Interactions with Grafted Melon Genotypes 2013 SCOTTON, MICHELE + PHYTOPATHOLOGY - -
Analisi di inerbimenti di aree dissestate in Trentino 2000 SCOTTON, MICHELE + MONTI E BOSCHI - -
Analisi di specie colonizzatrici di frane su flysch e morena calcarea del bellunese 1999 SCOTTON, MICHELE + L'ITALIA FORESTALE E MONTANA - -
Analisi di vegetazioni colonizzatrici di frane su flysh e morena calcarea del bellunese 1999 SCOTTON, MICHELE + L'ITALIA FORESTALE E MONTANA - -
Analisi fitosociologica e valutazione agronomica di pascoli subalpini (malga Padeon, Cortina d’Ampezzo, NE Italia) 1996 SCOTTON, MICHELEZILIOTTO, UMBERTO + STUDIA GEOBOTANICA - -
Anti-erosion rehabilitation: Effects of revegetation method and site traits on introduced and native plant cover and richness 2021 Scotton M.Andreatta D. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
Assessing plant trait diversity as an indicators of species α‐ and β‐diversity in a subalpine grassland of the Italian Alps 2023 Scotton, MicheleVescovo, Loris + REMOTE SENSING IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION - -
Calcareous grassland restoration at a coarse quarry waste dump in the Italian Alps 2018 Scotton, Michele ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING - -
Caratterizzazione della dinamica produttiva di pascoli naturali italiani. 1992 ZILIOTTO, UMBERTOSCOTTON, MICHELE + RIVISTA DI AGRONOMIA - -
Caratterizzazione floristica di pascoli italiani 1992 ZILIOTTO, UMBERTOSCOTTON, MICHELE + RIVISTA DI AGRONOMIA - -
Characteristics and trends of grassland degradation research 2022 Scotton, MicheleAndreatta, Davide + JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS - -
Characterization of Phytophthora cinnamomi from common walnut in Southern Europe environment 2018 Scotton, Michele + FOREST PATHOLOGY - -
Detection of grassland mowing frequency using time series of vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 imagery 2022 Andreatta, DavideScotton, MicheleVescovo, Loris + GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING - -
Distinct colonization patterns and cDNA-AFLP transcriptome profiles in compatible and incompatible interactions between melon and different races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Melonis. 2011 SCOTTON, MICHELE + BMC GENOMICS - -
Do climate, resource availability, and grazing pressure filter floristic composition and functioning in Alpine pastures? 2012 DAINESE, MATTEOSCOTTON, MICHELE + COMMUNITY ECOLOGY - -
Effect of Simulated Traffic on Some Substrate Physical Parameters in Construction Systems of Soccer Pitches 2004 MACOLINO, STEFANOSCOTTON, MICHELEZILIOTTO, UMBERTO + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Effect of Simulated Traffic on Some Turf Quality Parameters in Construction Systems of Soccer Pitches 2004 MACOLINO, STEFANOSCOTTON, MICHELEZILIOTTO, UMBERTO + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Effect of Simulated Traffic on Vegetative Evolution of Turfgrass in Construction Systems of Soccer Pitches. 2004 MACOLINO, STEFANOSCOTTON, MICHELEZILIOTTO, UMBERTO + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Effects of fertilisation on grass and forb gamic reproduction in semi-natural grasslands 2021 Scotton M. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Effects of initial grazing date on forage production and quality of a pasture in the Veneto plain. First year results 2003 SCOTTON, MICHELE + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -