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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Calibrated Test-set for Measurement of Access-Point Time Specifications in Hybrid Wired/Wireless Industrial Communication 2018 Tramarin, FedericoNarduzzi, ClaudioVitturi, StefanoBertocco, Matteo - - -
A calibrated test-set for measurement of access-point time specifications in hybrid wired/wireless industrial communication 2018 Tramarin, FedericoNarduzzi, ClaudioVitturi, StefanoBertocco, Matteo INFORMATION - -
A calibration method for planar inductors in EMC filters: analysis and experimental validation 2011 BERTOCCO, MATTEOSONA, ALESSANDRO + - - Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on EMC, EMC EUROPE 2011
A case for IEEE Std. 1451 in smart microgrid environments 2011 BERTOCCO, MATTEOGIORGI, GIADANARDUZZI, CLAUDIOTRAMARIN, FEDERICO - - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Measurements for Future Grids (SMFG), Conference Proceedings
A client-server architecture for distributed measurement systems 1998 BERTOCCO, MATTEOOFFELLI, CARLO + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT - -
A combined GLR/Kalman filter technique for fault detection in power systems 1997 BEGHI, ALESSANDROBERTOCCO, MATTEO - - Proc. XIV Imeko World Congress, vol. Xa
A comparison of spectrum analyzer-based techniques for environmental EM field intensity measurements 2004 BERTOCCO, MATTEOSONA, ALESSANDRO + - - Proc. of EMC Europe 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
A configurable tool for the analysis of human evoked potentials 2007 BENETAZZO, LUIGINOBERTOCCO, MATTEO + - - Soluzioni e applicazioni
A cross-layer simulator for industrial wireless communication systems 2011 BERTOCCO, MATTEOTRAMARIN F. - - Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Measurement&Networking
A crosstalk test system for a university EMC laboratory 2001 BERTOCCO, MATTEOOFFELLI, CARLOSONA, ALESSANDRO - - Proc. of the IV International Symposium un Electromagnetic Compatibility and E.M. Ecology
A digital instrument for instantaneous phase jitter measurements in communication systems 1994 BENETAZZO, LUIGINOBERTOCCO, MATTEOOFFELLI, CARLO + - - Proc. XIII IMEKO world Congress
A digital instrument for real-time measurements in three-phase electrical systems with nonsinusoidal voltages and currents 1991 BERTOCCO, MATTEOOFFELLI, CARLO + - - Proc. tenth IASTED international conference on modelling, identification and control
A distributed sensor network based on JINI technology 2002 BERTOCCO, MATTEONARDUZZI, CLAUDIO + - - VIMS 2002 IEEE Int. Symp. on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems
A distributed training laboratory 2002 BENETAZZO, LUIGINOBERTOCCO, MATTEO - - proceedings EDEN 2002 Conf. Open and Distance Learning in Europe and beyond
A DSP-based instrument for non-instrusive in-service measurements of telecommunication networks 1996 BERTOCCO, MATTEO + - - Proc. The first DSP education and research conference
A DSP-based instrument for the measurement of interruptions in telephone-type circuits 1994 BERTOCCO, MATTEO - - Proc. Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing and Technology
A floating-point DSP based instrument for high accuracy phase estimation 1991 BERTOCCO, MATTEO + - - Proc. DSP Associates International Conference on DSP Applications & Technology
A frequency approach for power measurements in three-phase electrical systems 1992 BERTOCCO, MATTEOOFFELLI, CARLO + - - Proc. IMEKO-TC4 5th Int. Symp. on Electrical Measuring Instruments for Low and Medium Frequencies
A low-cost Comb Generator for the Characterization of Test Sites 2011 STELLINI, MARCOBERTOCCO, MATTEOROSSETTO, LEOPOLDO + - - Conference proceedings
A measurement system for EMC analysis of far field disturbance in the range 2-8GHz 2010 BERTOCCO, MATTEOSONA, ALESSANDRO - - I2MTC 2010 Proceedings