Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.471
AS - Asia 788
EU - Europa 671
SA - Sud America 4
OC - Oceania 3
AF - Africa 1
Totale 7.938
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.442
CN - Cina 423
SG - Singapore 232
FI - Finlandia 145
DE - Germania 128
SE - Svezia 85
UA - Ucraina 84
IT - Italia 65
GB - Regno Unito 62
VN - Vietnam 56
FR - Francia 43
RU - Federazione Russa 31
CA - Canada 27
IL - Israele 27
IN - India 25
HK - Hong Kong 21
IE - Irlanda 13
NL - Olanda 6
BE - Belgio 4
AU - Australia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
LT - Lituania 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EG - Egitto 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 7.938
Città #
Fairfield 884
Woodbridge 815
Chandler 628
Houston 587
Ann Arbor 493
Ashburn 430
Jacksonville 388
Wilmington 340
Seattle 308
Cambridge 272
Singapore 167
Princeton 150
Boardman 142
Beijing 129
San Diego 91
Santa Clara 79
Nanjing 69
Medford 60
Dong Ket 56
Helsinki 55
Roxbury 54
Des Moines 43
Tel Aviv 27
Guangzhou 23
Padova 23
Hong Kong 21
Norwalk 20
Montréal 18
Munich 18
Pune 16
Shenyang 16
Hebei 15
Jiaxing 14
Nanchang 14
Redwood City 14
London 12
Dublin 11
Renton 11
Changsha 10
New York 9
Falls Church 8
Kharkiv 8
Tianjin 8
Jinan 7
Shanghai 7
Los Angeles 6
Tappahannock 6
Zhengzhou 6
Borås 5
Dallas 5
Hefei 5
Nürnberg 5
Brussels 4
Hounslow 4
Kunming 4
Mcallen 4
Washington 4
Chengdu 3
Chongqing 3
Detroit 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Fuzhou 3
Genoa 3
Groningen 3
Indiana 3
Kilburn 3
Menlo Park 3
Ottawa 3
Phoenix 3
San Antonio 3
San Francisco 3
Toronto 3
Auburn Hills 2
Brno 2
Chiswick 2
Cleveland 2
Costa Mesa 2
Hangzhou 2
Lanzhou 2
Marghera 2
Ogden 2
Pescara 2
Portland 2
Prescot 2
San Rafael 2
Solon 2
Sydney 2
Venice 2
Vynnyky 2
Acton 1
Americana 1
Amsterdam 1
Ardabil 1
Bibbiano 1
Bolzano 1
Boydton 1
Brisbane 1
Buffalo 1
Cairo 1
Caracas 1
Totale 6.718
Nome #
Absolute quantification of myosin heavy chain isoforms by selected reaction monitoring can underscore skeletal muscle changes in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 162
Mitochondrial Channels 155
Cellular prion protein is implicated in the regulation of local Ca2+ movements in cerebellar granule neurons 152
The Prion Protein Regulates Synaptic Transmission by Controlling the Expression of Proteins Key to Synaptic Vesicle Recycling and Exocytosis. 139
Prion-like protein Doppel expression is not modified in scrapie-infected cells and in the brains of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 134
Human Doppel and prion protein share common membrane microdomains and internalization pathways 134
Possible role for Ca2+ in the pathophysiology of the prion protein? 130
The prion protein constitutively controls neuronal store-operated ca2+ entry through Fyn Kinase 126
The cellular prion protein counteracts cardiac oxidative stress 125
Copper II binding to the human doppel protein may mark its functional diversity from the prion protein 122
Selective and efficient immunoprecipitation of the disease-associated form of the prion protein can be mediated by nonspecific interactions between monoclonal antibodies and scrapie-associated fibrils 122
Patch-clamping of the inner mitochondrial membrane reveals a voltage-dependent ion channel. 121
Bovine prion protein as a modulator of protein kinase CK2 120
The Cellular Prion Protein Is Expressed in Olfactory Sensory Neurons of Adult Mice but Does Not Affect the Early Events of the Olfactory Transduction Pathway 120
Cellular prion protein promotes regeneration of adult muscle tissue. 117
High conductance pathways in mitochondrial membranes 116
The metabolism and imaging in live cells of the bovine prion protein in its native form or carrying single amino acid substitutions 109
Relative Quantification of Membrane Proteins in Wild-Type and Prion Protein (PrP)-Knockout Cerebellar Granule Neurons. 109
Altered behavioral aspects of aged mice lacking the cellular prion protein 108
Neuronal pathophysiology featuring PrPCand its control over Ca2+metabolism 107
Protein expression changes in skeletal muscle in response to growth promoter abuse in beef cattle. 106
Structural and functional modifications induced by diamide on the F0 sector of the mammalian ATP synthase 105
The prion protein and its paralogue Doppel affect calcium signaling in Chinese hamster ovary cells 104
Heterogeneous PrPC metabolism in skeletal muscle cells 104
Is indeed the prion protein an Harlequin servant of "many" masters? 103
Direct detection of soil-bound prions 102
Prions and prion-like pathogens in neurodegenerative disorders. 102
Generation and validation of novel adeno-associated viral vectors for the analysis of Ca2+ homeostasis in motor neurons 100
The protonmotive force in bovine heart submitochondrial particles. Magnitude, sites of generation and comparison with the phosphorylation potential. 99
A minimal kinetic model of the activity of the 107 pS channel of the inner membrane of mitochondria. 99
Mitochondrial inner membrane anion channels in yeast and mammals. 98
Continuous monitoring of the electrical potential across energy-transducing membranes using ion-selective electrodes. Application to submitochondrial particles and chromatophores. 97
Proton electrochemical gradients and energy-transduction processes. 97
Current-voltage relationships for proton flow through the F0 sector of the ATP-synthase carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone or leak pathways in submitochondrial particles 95
Hydrolysis of ITP generates a membrane potential in submitochondrial particles. 94
The Link of the Prion Protein with Ca2+ Metabolism and ROS Production, and the Possible Implication in Aβ Toxicity 94
From cell protection to death: may Ca2+ signals explain the chameleonic attributes of the mammalian prion protein? 93
Clarification of factors influencing the nature and magnitude of the protonmotive force in bovine heart submitochondrial particles. 92
The prion protein regulates glutamate-mediated Ca2+ entry and mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation in neurons 92
Anion channels of the inner membrane of mammalian and yeast mitochondria 91
Oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide in rat brain mitochondria. 91
Variable proton conductance of submitochondrial particles. 91
Channels in mitochondrial membranes: knowns, unknowns and prospects for the future 91
The rate of ATP synthesis by submitochondrial particles can be independent of the magnitude of the protonmotive force. 88
Intact hearts: A new tool for elucidating the physiology of the prion protein 85
ATP synthase complex from beef heart mitochondria: role of the thiol group of the 25 kDa subunit of the F0 in the coupling mechanism between F0 and F1 81
Kinectics of the release of the mitochondrial inhibitor protein. Correlation with synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP 81
Comparative aspects of the energetics of oxidative phosphorylation in bacteria and mitochondria. 80
Susceptibility of the prion protein to enzymatic phosphorylation 79
Generation and usage of aequorin lentiviral vectors for Ca(2+) measurement in sub-cellular compartments of hard-to-transfect cells 79
A comparative analysis of the cell properties of Dpl and PrPc 74
Almost a century of prion protein(s): From pathology to physiology, and back to pathology 74
The binding and reease of the inhibitor protein are governed independently by ATP and mH+ in ox heart submitochondrial particles 73
The control of Ca2+ metabolism may underlie the multi-faceted attributes of the prion protein 72
Measurements of the components of the protonmotive force generated by cytochrome oxidase in submitochondrial particles. 71
Comparison of permeant ion uptake and carotenoid band shift as methods for determining the membrane potential in chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides Ga. 71
The role of the prion protein in neurodegenerative disorders 70
Further investigation on the high-conductance ion channel of the inner membrane of mitochondria 69
Electrophysiological characterisation of contact sites in brain mitochondria 65
A comparative analysis of the properties of Dpl and PrPC. 65
Expression of Prion proten and Doppel affects Ca2+ signalling 64
Investigating the role of the cellular prion protein in Alzheimer's disease 64
Doppel and PrPC co-immunoprecipitate in detergent-resistant membrane domains of epithelial FRT cells 64
The complete mature bovine prion protein highly expressed in Escherichia coli: biochemical and structural studies 62
The phosphorylation potential generated by respiring bovine heart submitochondrial particles. 62
Ionic permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane 61
On the current-voltage relationships of energy-transducing membranes: submitochondrial particles [proceedings]. 60
Investigating the role of the cellular prion protein in Alzheimer's disease 60
Ion channels and ABC proteins in the vacuole of S. cerevisiae 59
Exploring the role of the prion protein in muscle paradigms and in primary cultured cerebellar granules cells 59
Prion and TNF alpha: TAC(E) it agreement between the prion protein and cell signaling 58
The control of Ca2+ metabolism may underlie the multi-faceted attributes of the prion protein 57
Investigating the role of the cellular prion protein in Alzheimer's disease 57
Physicochemical characters of a ribonucleoprotein fragment extracted from rat brain, and their modification due to either environmental or chemical influence. 57
The prion protein constitutively controls neuronal store-operated ca2+ entry through Fyn Kinase 54
PrP-knockout cerebellar granule neurons display altered Ca2+ homeostasis. 52
The bovine prion protein in live cells 52
An Electrophysiological study of yeast mitochondria. Evidence for two inner membrane anion channels sensitive to ATP 48
Reconstitution of the native mitochondrial outer membrane in planar bilayers. Comparison with the outer membrane in a patch pipette and effect of aluminium compounds. 47
Estimation of H+-translation stoicheiometry of mitochondrial ATPase by comparison of proton-motive forces with clamped phosphorylation potentials in submitochondrial particles. 46
Physiopathologic implications of the structural and functional domains of the prion protein 45
Modulation of Ca2+ homeostasis by the prion protein and its C-terminal fragments 45
Patch clamping of mitochondrial membranes and of proteoliposomes 42
Evidence that in submitochondrial particles cytochrome oxidase translocates protons [proceedings]. 42
Molecular interaction between cellular prion protein and caveolin 1: implications in signal transduction events 33
Expression of Prion protein and its paralogue Doppel influences Ca2+ homeostasis in CHO cells 32
The genetic linkage of prion disease: study of the functional and structural properties of PrP mutants of CJD, GSS and FFI familiar cases 31
La proteina prionica e il suo doppione 29
The prion protein and its paralogue Doppel affect Ca2+ homeostasis in CHO cells 18
Totale 7.960
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.640
article - articoli 24.018
book - libri 135
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 727
Totale 53.520

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 172 167 123 57
2020/20211.036 47 72 32 167 72 86 12 91 163 80 125 89
2021/20221.177 29 143 203 67 29 51 64 141 39 12 155 244
2022/20231.126 222 135 18 157 167 148 6 77 148 8 34 6
2023/2024472 25 84 46 50 48 43 33 38 10 10 55 30
2024/2025617 7 99 65 94 236 44 51 21 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.960