Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG
A comparison of different models for collection of WEEE in Europe
2017 DIESTE GRACIA, Marcos; Ferreira Viagi, Arcione; Panizzolo, Roberto; Biazzo, Stefano
A methodology to measure the value of services provided to customers in manufacturing firms
2008 Panizzolo, Roberto
A novel framework for the use of workflow system in the integration of supply chain tiers
2017 Ferreira Viagi, A.; Panizzolo, R.; de Crescenzo, A. M.
A Process-Based View of Customer Satisfaction
1995 Muffatto, Moreno; Panizzolo, Roberto
A systematic literature review regarding the influence of lean manufacturing on firms' financial performance
2021 Dieste, Marcos; Panizzolo, Roberto; Garza-Reyes, Jose Arturo
An empirical study of the adoption and implementation of advances Technologies in the Italian public sector
1996 Panizzolo, Roberto; DA VILLA, F.
2005 DE MARCHI, A.; Nonino, Fabio; Panizzolo, Roberto
Analysis of indicators used for measuring industrial sustainability: a systematic review
2022 Mengistu, AZEMERAW TADESSE; Panizzolo, Roberto
Applying The Lessons Learned From 27 Lean Manufacturers: The Relevance of Relationships Management
1999 Panizzolo, Roberto
Approaching Risk Management: an Overview on Critical Success Factors and Challenges
2012 Bernardel, Flora; Panizzolo, Roberto
Buyer-Subcontractor Relationships in the Italian Clothing Industry: an Interpretative Framework
1996 DA VILLA, Francesco; Panizzolo, Roberto
Caratteristiche della produzione ripetitiva
1991 DE TONI, A.; Panizzolo, Roberto
Cellular Manufacturing: la filosofia della Group Technology applicata al processo produttivo
1992 DA VILLA, F.; Panizzolo, Roberto
Contesti applicativi degli impianti preposti alla produzione intermittente e ripetitiva
1991 DE TONI, A.; Panizzolo, Roberto
Dalla "visione dell'impresa" alla "visione del cliente": il ruolo dei servizi nelle strategie competitive delle imprese manifatturiere
2004 Panizzolo, Roberto; Fant, D.
Diagnosi dello sviluppo nuovi prodotti: verso un audit normativo contingente
2006 Panizzolo, Roberto; Biazzo, Stefano; Garengo, Patrizia
Enablers and Constraints in Implementing Lean Manufacturing: evidence from Brazilian SMEs
2017 Biazzo, Stefano; Panizzolo, Roberto; Ferreira Viagi, A.
Evaluating Inventory Management Performance: A Preliminary Desk-Simulation Study Based on IOC Model
2012 Bernardel, Flora; Panizzolo, Roberto
Evaluating the impact of lean practices on environmental performance: evidences from five manufacturing companies
2020 Dieste, Marcos; Panizzolo, Roberto; Garza-Reyes, Jose Arturo
Gestione del rischio e flessibilita' nelle reti di imprese
2007 Bernardel, F; Panizzolo, Roberto