Color and stellar population gradients in passively evolving galaxies at z â¼ 2 from HST/WFC3 deep imaging in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
2011 Guo, Yicheng; Giavalisco, Mauro; Cassata, Paolo; Ferguson, Henry C.; Dickinson, Mark; Renzini, Alvio; Koekemoer, Anton; Grogin, Norman A.; Papovich, Casey; Tundo, Elena; Fontana, Adriano; Lotz, Jennifer M.; Salimbeni, Sara
Morphology Dependence of Stellar Age in Quenched Galaxies at Redshift â¼1.2: Massive Compact Galaxies Are Older than More Extended Ones
2017 Williams, Christina C.; Giavalisco, Mauro; Bezanson, Rachel; Cappelluti, Nico; Cassata, Paolo; Liu, Teng; Lee, Bomee; Tundo, Elena; Vanzella, Eros
On the Inconsistency between the Black Hole Mass Function Inferred from M•-σ and M•-L Correlations
2007 Tundo, Elena; Bernardi, M; Hyde, J. B.; Sheth, R. K.; Pizzella, Alessandro
Rest-frame UV-optically selected galaxies at 2.3 â² z â² 3.5: Searching for dusty star-forming and passively evolving galaxies
2012 Guo, Yicheng; Giavalisco, Mauro; Cassata, Paolo; Ferguson, Henry C.; Williams, Christina C.; Dickinson, Mark; Koekemoer, Anton; Grogin, Norman A.; Chary, Ranga-Ram; Messias, Hugo; Tundo, Elena; Lin, Lihwai; Lee, Seong-Kook; Salimbeni, Sara; Fontana, Adriano; Grazian, Andrea; Kocevski, Dale; Lee, Kyoung-Soo; Villanueva, Edward; Van Der Wel, Arjen
SMBH mass function from velocity dispersion and luminosity
2007 Tundo, Elena; Bernardi, M; Sheth, Rk; Hyde, Jb; Pizzella, Alessandro
Supermassive Black Holes: a spectroscopic and photometric study on the connection with their host galaxies
2010 Tundo, Elena
The interstellar medium and feedback in the progenitors of the compact passive galaxies at z â¼ 2
2015 Williams, Christina C.; Giavalisco, Mauro; Lee, Bomee; Tundo, Elena; Mobasher, Bahram; Nayyeri, Hooshang; Ferguson, Henry C.; Koekemoer, Anton; Trump, Jonathan R.; Cassata, Paolo; Dekel, Avishai; Guo, Yicheng; Lee, Kyoung-Soo; Pentericci, Laura; Bell, Eric F.; Castellano, Marco; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Fontana, Adriano; Grazian, Andrea; Grogin, Norman; Kocevski, Dale; Koo, David C.; Lucas, Ray A.; Ravindranath, Swara; Santini, Paola; Vanzella, Eros; Weiner, Benjamin J.
The progenitors of the compact early-type galaxies at high redshift
2014 Williams, Christina C.; Giavalisco, Mauro; Cassata, Paolo; Tundo, Elena; Wiklind, Tommy; Guo, Yicheng; Lee, Bomee; Barro, Guillermo; Wuyts, Stijn; Bell, Eric F.; Conselice, Christopher J.; Dekel, Avishai; Faber, Sandra M.; Ferguson, Henry C.; Grogin, Norman; Hathi, Nimish; Huang, Kuang-Han; Kocevski, Dale; Koekemoer, Anton; Koo, David C.; Ravindranath, Swara; Salimbeni, Sara