Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
A preliminary investigation of gyroids made of W-Cu composite materials produced by investment casting into SiO2-based molds 3D-printed by stereolithography
2023 Viganò, Davide; Balzarotti, Riccardo; Santoliquido, Oscar; Rosa, Alice; Pelanconi, Marco; Bianchi, Giovanni; Ortona, Alberto
Additive manufacturing of silicon carbide by selective laser sintering of PA12 powders and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis
2021 Pelanconi, M.; Colombo, P.; Ortona, A.
Application of ceramic lattice structures to design compact, high temperature heat exchangers: Material and architecture selection
2021 Pelanconi, M.; Zavattoni, S.; Cornolti, L.; Puragliesi, R.; Arrivabeni, E.; Ferrari, L.; Gianella, S.; Barbato, M.; Ortona, A.
Cellular ceramic architectures produced by hybrid additive manufacturing: a review on the evolution of their design
2020 Pelanconi, Marco; Ortona, Alberto; Rezaei, Ehsan
2023 Pelanconi, Marco; Bianchi, Giovanni; Santoliquido, Oscar; Camerota, Francesco; Di Mauro, Antonio; Rosa, Alice; Vitullo, Simone; Bottacin, Samuele; Ortona, Alberto
Complex architectures of Si-infiltrated Polymer-Derived Ceramics: computational design and hybrid additive manufacturing
2023 Pelanconi, Marco
Fabrication of dense SiSiC ceramics by a hybrid additive manufacturing process
2021 Pelanconi, Marco; Bianchi, Giovanni; Colombo, Paolo; Ortona, Alberto
High-strength Si-SiC lattices prepared by powder bed fusion, infiltration-pyrolysis, and reactive silicon infiltration
2024 Pelanconi, M.; Bottacin, S.; Bianchi, G.; Koch, D.; Colombo, P.; Ortona, A.
Powder bed fusion of polyamide powders combined with different preceramic polymers infiltration and pyrolysis to produce complex-shaped ceramics
2023 Pelanconi, M.; Bottacin, S.; Colombo, P.; Ortona, A.
Structured alumina substrates for environmental catalysis produced by stereolithography
2021 Santoliquido, O.; Camerota, F.; Pelanconi, M.; Ferri, D.; Elsener, M.; Eggenschwiler, P. D.; Ortona, A.