Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 118
EU - Europa 105
NA - Nord America 100
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 5
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 336
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 92
SG - Singapore 48
IT - Italia 44
IE - Irlanda 20
VN - Vietnam 14
CN - Cina 12
DE - Germania 12
MY - Malesia 8
TW - Taiwan 8
GB - Regno Unito 7
CA - Canada 6
ID - Indonesia 5
GR - Grecia 4
IR - Iran 4
TH - Thailandia 4
UA - Ucraina 4
AU - Australia 3
ES - Italia 3
FI - Finlandia 3
FR - Francia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
IN - India 3
PH - Filippine 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BR - Brasile 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SO - Somalia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BW - Botswana 1
CH - Svizzera 1
LT - Lituania 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 336
Città #
Singapore 35
Dublin 20
Santa Clara 20
Padova 14
Hanoi 13
Columbus 12
Boardman 7
Chiayi County 6
Cagliari 4
Fairfield 4
Hamburg 4
San Diego 4
Uzhhorod 4
Beijing 3
Belluno 3
Cardiff 3
Melbourne 3
Milan 3
Tehran 3
Toronto 3
Vicenza 3
Warsaw 3
Ziano Piacentino 3
Abu Dhabi 2
Athens 2
Auckland 2
Bangkok 2
Barcelona 2
Batu Pahat 2
Cape Town 2
Cheras 2
Chicago 2
Edinburgh 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Huixquilucan de Degollado 2
Jalandhar 2
Lappeenranta 2
Las Vegas 2
Manila 2
Seattle 2
Selong 2
Selvazzano Dentro 2
Seremban 2
Taipei 2
Tasikmalaya 2
Treviso 2
Vancouver 2
Xanthi 2
Americana 1
Aquileia 1
Bayan Lepas 1
Delhi 1
Faisalabad 1
Gaborone 1
Granada 1
Guangzhou 1
Guelph 1
Hat Yai 1
Helsinki 1
Ho Chi Minh City 1
Lahore 1
Loano 1
London 1
Los Angeles 1
Makassar 1
Medford 1
Mestre 1
Mueang Samut Prakan 1
Ogden 1
Paranaque City 1
Paris 1
Pederobba 1
Pescara 1
Pordenone 1
Portland 1
Princeton 1
Roxbury 1
San Tung Chung Hang 1
Sargodha 1
Southampton 1
São Paulo 1
Venice 1
Vilnius 1
Zurich 1
Totale 263
Nome #
A systematic literature review on sustainable fresh food cold supply chain: state-of-the-art and future direction 46
Thermal insulation performance test and energy consumption of the cold chain incubator with radiative cooling 29
Sustainable fresh food cold supply chain (SFC) from a state-of-art literature review to a conceptual framework 21
Study on External Effect Analysis and Calculating Method of Tropical Fruit Cold Chain Logistics in China 21
A hybrid sustainability performance measurement approach for fresh food cold supply chains 20
Totale 347
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.196
article - articoli 465
book - libri 136
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.797

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 2
2022/202337 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 7 9 9 6
2023/2024195 12 5 15 19 17 48 15 14 22 10 10 8
2024/202599 0 42 11 8 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 347