De Noni, Ivan
De Noni, Ivan
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno" - DSEA
Analisi delle competenze delle imprese della filiera in area transfrontaliera
2014 Apa, Roberta; De Noni, I.; Orsi, Luigi; Sedita, SILVIA RITA
2014 Apa, Roberta; De Noni, I.; Orsi, Luigi; Sedita, SILVIA RITA
Are M&As driving exploitation or exploration?
2016 Belussi, Fiorenza; De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Orsi, L.
Attributes of Milan influencing city brand attractiveness
2014 De Noni, I.; Orsi, L.; Zanderighi, L.
Breakthrough Invention Performance of Multispecialized Clustered Regions in Europe
2021 De Noni, Ivan; Belussi, Fiorenza
Canals vs. Streams: To What Extent Do Water Quality and Proximity Affect Real Estate Values? A Hedonic Approach Analysis
2016 Bonetti, F.; Corsi, S.; Orsi, L.; De Noni, I.
Capitale sociale, fiducia, cluster management e performance innovative delle imprese nei cluster
2013 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.; Pilotti, L.
Coalition loyalty-programme adoption and urban commercial-network effectiveness evaluation
2014 De Noni, I.; Orsi, L.; Zanderighi, L.
Cross-border Acquisitions and Technological Spillover: Evidence from European Regional Clusters
2022 Sabbadin, Elisa; De Noni, Ivan; Belussi, Fiorenza
Cross-border acquisitions and technological spillover: evidence from European regional clusters
2022 Sabbadin, Elisa; De Noni, Ivan; Belussi, Fiorenza
Enhancing the inventive capacity of European regions through interregional collaboration
2023 De Noni, I.; Ganzaroli, A.
Evaluating post-acquisition technological performance by measuring absorption-related invention
2016 Orsi, L.; Ganzaroli, A.; De Noni, I.; Marelli, F.
Exploring drivers of farmland value and growth in Italy and Germany at regional level
2019 De Noni, Ivan; Ghidoni, Alessandro; Menzel, Friederike; Bahrs, Enno; Corsi, Stefano
Factors driving the share and growth of Chinese entrepreneurship in Italy
2020 Apa, Roberta; De Noni, Ivan; Ganzaroli, Andrea
Factors influencing german and italian farmland prices – A spatial econometric analysis
2016 Menzel, F.; Ghidoni, A.; DE NONI, I.; Bahrs, E.; Corsi, S.
Geographical Indications and Innovation: Evidence from EU regions
2023 Stranieri, Stefanella; Orsi, Luigi; De Noni, Ivan; Olper, Alessandro
Green Invention as Leverage for Economic Growth in Locally Collaborative European Regions
2021 De Noni, Ivan; Ganzaroli, Andrea; Orsi, Luigi
Greenfield FDIs as a catalyst for technological collaborations between European regions and emerging countries
2024 De Noni, I.; Belussi, F.; Gu, Y.
How do related variety and differentiated knowledge base s influence the resilience of local production systems?
2014 Sedita, SILVIA RITA; De Noni, I.; Pilotti, L.
How do related variety and differentiated knowledge base s influence the resilience of local production systems?
2014 Sedita, SILVIA RITA; De Noni, I.; Pilotti, L.