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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Adaptive Optics for industry and science 2008 Bonora, Stefano - - -
Adaptive wavefront control based on genetic algorithm for the enhancement of high-order harmonic generation driven by two-cycle laser pulses 2004 BONORA, STEFANOVILLORESI, PAOLOTONDELLO, GIUSEPPE + - - SPIE Laser Resonators and Beam Control VII
Bi-photon generation with optimized wavefront by means of adaptive optics 2014 MINOZZI, MATTIABONORA, STEFANOVALLONE, GIUSEPPEVILLORESI, PAOLO + AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - AIP Conference Proceedings
Burden of Disease in PWH Harboring a Multidrug-Resistant Virus: Data from the PRESTIGIO Registry 2020 Galli L.Fiscon M.Francisci D.Angarano G.Galli L.Bonora S.Galli L.Da Ros V.Angarano G.DI Filippo E.Celotti A.Campus M.Pan A.Vichi F.Galli L.Gabrieli A.Gori A.Ferroni V.Cattelan A. M.MacArio A.Asti A.Magnani G.Elisa G.Giannetti A.Cavallari E. N.Viviani F.Modica S.Bonora S.Fiscon M. + OPEN FORUM INFECTIOUS DISEASES - -
Comparison of a novel adaptive lens with deformable mirrors and its application in high-resolution in-vivo OCT imaging 2015 BONORA, STEFANOMAMMANO, FABIO + PROGRESS IN BIOMEDICAL OPTICS AND IMAGING - Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
Correction of non-common path aberrations in pyramid wavefront sensors to recover the optimal magnitude gain using a deformable lens 2020 Bergomi M.Bonora S.Ragazzoni R. + APPLIED OPTICS - -
Design of compressors for FEL pulses using concave deformable gratings 2017 Bonora, S.Frassetto, F.DI GIOVINE, BENEDETTA ESTELLAMiotti, P. + - - 2017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference, paper JSI_P_4
Design of compressors for FEL pulses using deformable gratings 2017 Bonora S.Fabris N.Frassetto F.Miotti P.Poletto L. + - PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Design of compressors for FEL pulses using deformable gratings 2017 Bonora, StefanoFrassetto, FabioMiotti, PaoloPoletto, Luca + PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING - Proceedings Volume 10237, Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation IV; 102370T (2017)
Developing an EUV multilayer adaptive mirror: the first results 2016 Corso, AJBonora, SZuppella, PPelizzo, MG + - PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. In X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XI
Development of active gratings for the spectral selection of ultrafast pulses directly patterned on a bimorph deformable mirror using HyRes, a hybrid organic- inorganic sol-gel resist 2013 ZANCHETTA, ERIKADELLA GIUSTINA, GIOIABONORA, STEFANOFRASSETTO, FABIOPOLETTO, LUCABRUSATIN, GIOVANNA - - 39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering BOOK OF ABSTRACTS
Diode laser bar beam shaping by optical path equalization 2007 BONORA, STEFANOVILLORESI, PAOLO JOURNAL OF OPTICS. A, PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS - -
Estimating minimum adult HIV prevalence: A cross-sectional study to assess the characteristics of people living with HIV in Italy 2015 Di Stefano P.Paoloni M.D'Alessandro M.De Stefano G.D'Alessio G.Mazzeo M.Magnani G.Borghi V.D'Ettore G.Guariglia C.Giannetti A.Girardi E.Anselmo M.Pan A.Gori A.Grossi P.Orofino G.Bonora S.Poletti F.Cristina G.Paternoster C.Angarano G.Resta F.Cristiano L.Campus M.Geraci C.Mazzotta F.De Martino M.Francisci D.Manfrin V.Brugnaro P.Sgarabotto D.Scaggiante R.Cattelan A. + AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES - -
Incidence and factors associated with the risk of sexually transmitted diseases in HIV-infected people seen for care in Italy: Data from the Icona Foundation cohort 2015 Cingolani A.Girardi E.Guaraldi G.Gori A.Angarano G.Galli L.Moroni M.Bonora S.Santoro C.Piano P.Mazzotta F.Alessandrini A.Francisci D.Magnani G.Cattelan A.Sciandra M.Manfrin V. + HIV MEDICINE - -
Instrumentation for analysis and utilization of extreme- ultraviolet and soft x-ray high-order harmonics 2004 BONORA, STEFANOVILLORESI, PAOLO + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
Multilayer adaptive optics development for the EUV wavefront control 2015 BONORA, STEFANOZUPPELLA, PAOLABACCO, DAVIDEDONAZZAN, ALBERTONICOLOSI, PIERGIORGIOPELIZZO, MARIA-GUGLIELMINA + - - Xth international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine
No wavefront sensor adaptive optics system for compensation of primary aberrations by software analysis of a point source image. 2. Tests 2007 NALETTO, GIAMPIEROFRASSETTO, FABIOGRISAN, ENRICOBONORA, STEFANODA DEPPO, VANIARUGGERI, ALFREDO + APPLIED OPTICS - -
Optimization of high-order harmonic generation by adaptive control of a sub-10-fs pulse wave front 2004 VILLORESI, PAOLOBONORA, STEFANOTONDELLO, GIUSEPPE + OPTICS LETTERS - -
Phase control of a path-entangled photon state by a deformable membrane mirror 2010 BONATO, CRISTIANBONORA, STEFANOVALLONE, GIUSEPPEVILLORESI, PAOLO + JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. B, OPTICAL PHYSICS - -