Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - SPGI
Career and family. Women’s century-long journey toward equity
2022 Nesti, Giorgia
Co-production for innovation: the urban living lab experience
2018 Nesti, Giorgia
Defining and assessing the transformational nature of smart city governance: Insights from four European cases
2020 Nesti, Giorgia
Gli Innovation lab: nuovi spazi pubblici per l’innovazione aperta e la sperimentazione digitale
2022 Nesti, Giorgia
Il Reddito di Cittadinanza e il processo di attuazione locale: un’analisi delle capacità amministrative
2023 Nesti, Giorgia; Bassoli, Matteo; Visentin, Martina
Introduction to the special issue on digital government and gender
2021 Gasco-Hernandez, M.; Nesti, G.; Cucciniello, M.; Gulatee, Y.
Mainstreaming gender equality in smart cities: Theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges
2019 Nesti, Giorgia
Mobilità a Padova: un modello d’analisi per una politica pubblica locale
1997 Nesti, Giorgia
Recensione al volume "Lo Stato regolatore" di A. La Spina e G. Majone (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000)
2001 Nesti, Giorgia
Recensione al volume European Citizenship between National Legacies and Postnational Projects di K. Eder e B. Giesen (eds)
2002 Nesti, Giorgia
Strengthening the accountability of independent regulatory agencies: From performance back to democracy
2018 Nesti, Giorgia
The democratic anchorage of governance networks in smart cities: an empirical assessment
2020 Nesti, Giorgia; Graziano, PAOLO ROBERTO
The impact of policy legacies on the implementation of Citizen Income in Italy: A policy feedback perspective
2024 Nesti, Giorgia; Graziano, Paolo
The Impact of the Discretion and Coping Strategies of SLBs on Conditionality. The Role of the Frontline Workers of Em- ployment Centres in the Implementation of Citizen Income in Italy
2024 Bassoli, Matteo; Nesti, Giorgia
The politics of piloting. The case of minimum income schemes in European cities
2024 Nesti, Giorgia; Cittadini, Matide; Bassoli, Matteo
The reluctant activist: the Italian parliament and the scrutiny of EU affairs between institutional opportunities and political legacies
2018 Nesti, Giorgia; Grimaldi, Selena
The Street-(evel Bureaucracy (S(B) Revival: The State-of-the-Art and a New Research Agenda
2024 Bassoli, M.; Dallara, C.; Nesti, G.