DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA GENERALE (attivo dal 01/01/1986 al 31/12/2011)
Comparing effects of 2-D and 3-D visual cues during aurally aided target acquisition
2004 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Caria, A.; Castiello, Umberto
Crossmodal binding in localizing objects outside the field of view
2006 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Caria, A.; Castiello, Umberto
Effects of Increasing Visual Load on Aurally and Visually Guided Target Acquisition in a Virtual Environment
2005 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Caria, A; Glover, S; Castiello, Umberto
Failure to read motor intentions from gaze in children with autism
2006 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Mari, M; Glover, S; Georgiou, I; Castiello, Umberto
Investigation of the neural correlates underlying action observation in multiple sclerosis patients
2009 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Turella, L; Grossi, P; Tubaldi, Federico; Calabrese, Massimiliano; Perini, Paola; Barachino, L; Morra, A; Gallo, Paolo; Castiello, Umberto
Mirror neurons in humans: Consisting or confounding evidence?
2009 Turella, Luca; Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Tubaldi, Federico; Castiello, Umberto
Motor contagion from gaze: the case of autism
2007 Becchio, C; Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Mari, M; Lusher, D; Castiello, Umberto
Motor Intentions versus Social Intentions: One System or Multiple Systems?
2007 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Ansuini, Caterina; Castiello, Umberto
Motor ontology in representing gaze–object relations
2008 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Becchio, C; Tubaldi, Federico; Turella, Luca; Castiello, Umberto
Neurofunctional modulation of brain regions by the observation of pointing and grasping actions
2009 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Tubaldi, Federico; Turella, L; Grossi, P; Baracchino, L; Gallo, Paolo; Castiello, Umberto
Observing social interactions: The effect of gaze
2008 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Becchio, C; Turella, Luca; Tubaldi, Federico; Castiello, Umberto
Robotic movement elicits visuomotor priming in children with autism
2008 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Mari, M; Lusher, D; Castiello, Umberto
Smelling odors, understanding actions
2011 Tubaldi, Federico; Turella, Luca; Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Grodd, W; Tirindelli, R; Castiello, Umberto
The neural basis of selection-for-action
2007 Chapman, H; Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Cunnington, R; Gavrilescu, M; Egan, G; Castiello, Umberto
Transfer of Interfered Motor Patterns to Self from Others
2006 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Becchio, C.; Wall, M. B.; Smith, A. T.; Castiello, Umberto
Virtual reality applications for the remapping of space in neglect patients
2006 Ansuini, Caterina; Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Lusher, D; Castiello, Umberto
When gaze turns into grasp
2006 Pierno, ANDREA CRISTIANO; Becchio, C; Wall, M. B.; Smith, A. T.; Turella, L; Castiello, Umberto