Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - SPGI
"Le donne, le ragazze e il mondo che viene"
2020 Oboe, Annalisa; Badaloni, Silvana; Padovani, Claudia; Perini, Lorenza; Xausa, Chiara
A New Gender Deal for Media and Digital Communications: Rethinking Governance and Narratives
2024 Padovani, C.; Vega Montiel, A.; Shala, A.; Cerqueira, C.
Actors and Interactions in Global Communication Governance: the Heuristic Potential of a Network Approach
2011 Padovani, Claudia; E., Pavan
Challenges and confusion in media and communication regulation: a four country comparison.
2015 Hannu, Nieminen; Alessandro, D'Arma; Padovani, Claudia; Helena, Sousa
Civil Society Beyond WSIS: roles and potential of a "young" stakeholder
2005 Padovani, Claudia
Communication and (e)democracy: assessing European e-democracy discourses
2007 Tuzzi, Arjuna; Padovani, Claudia; Nesti, Giorgia
Communication governance and the role of civil society: reflections on participation and the changing scope of political action
2006 Padovani, Claudia; Tuzzi, Arjuna
Communication Rights and Media Justice between Political and Discursive Opportunities: An Historical Perspective
2014 Milan, Stefania; Padovani, Claudia
Dalle reti alle mappe sul Web: donne e comunicazione in Italia, fra tecnologie tradizionale e nuovi media
2008 Padovani, Claudia; Cernison, M.
Debating communication imbalances: from the MacBride Report to the World Summit on the Information Society. An application of lexical-content analysis for a critical investigation of historical legacies
2006 Padovani, Claudia
Democracy and global governance: the wager of the Internet Governance Forum
2012 Padovani, Claudia
Digital media for global networking. Exploring the emerging Unesco Global Alliance for Media and Gender
2015 Padovani, Claudia
Diritti umani, comunicazione, sviluppo. Azioni positive verso l'affermazione del diritto a comunicare
2000 Padovani, Claudia
Diversity reconsidered in a global multi-stakeholder environment: insights from the online world
2007 Padovani, Claudia; Pavan, E.
Donne e comunicazione. Un altro genere di tecnologia
2010 Padovani, Claudia
Donne e uomini, media e politiche di comunicazione
2014 Padovani, Claudia
Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption
2024 Padovani, Claudia
Gaps in media and communication governance: towards a gender-aware research and advocacy agenda
2014 Padovani, Claudia
Gender and media in times of crisis
2015 Padovani, Claudia; Karen, Ross
Gender and Media Policy
2020 Padovani, C.