Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Carbon footprint analysis of mozzarella and ricotta cheese production and influence of allocation procedure 2015 SIMONETTO, MATTEOMAZZI, ANNAFEDELE, ANDREAPIERETTO, CHIARASCIPIONI, ANTONIO - - Proceedings – International conference on Life Cycle Assessment as reference methodology for assessing supply chains and supporting global sustainability challenges – LCA for Feeding the planet and energy for life
Carbon Footprint di due prodotti caseari italiani: mozzarella e ricotta 2017 Simonetto M.Mazzi A.Fedele A.Pieretto C.Scipioni A. QUALITÀ - -
Carbon footprint of hen eggs from breeding of chicks to final consumption 2016 FEDELE, ANDREASIMONETTO, MATTEOMANZARDO, ALESSANDROLOSS, ANDREASCIPIONI, ANTONIO - - 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of abstracts
Carbon footprint of three organic beverage products of an Italian company: a case study 2016 SIMONETTO, MATTEOFEDELE, ANDREALOSS, ANDREAMANZARDO, ALESSANDROSCIPIONI, ANTONIO - - 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of abstracts
Carbon footprint performance of different options to manage tannery sludge: dewatered sludge Vs dried sludge 2015 LOSS, ANDREAMANZARDO, ALESSANDROAGUIARI, FILIPPOMASON, MARCOSIMONETTO, MATTEOSCIPIONI, ANTONIO - - Life Cycle Management. The 7th International Conference. Proceedings
Carbon footprint performance of public school lunch menu provided by an Italian catering company 2017 Simonetto M.Pieretto C.Manzardo A.Scipioni A. + - - XI Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA. Resource Efficiency e Sustainable Development Goals: il ruolo del Life Cycle Thinking. Proceedings
Development and application of an ISO based Eco-design approach: the case study of an Italian hospital catering service 2018 Manzardo AlessandroSimonetto MatteoScipioni Antonio + - - 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference Action For A Sustainable World: From Theory To Practice. Book of Abstract
Development and testing of a new life cycle assessment method for the monetary evaluation of water scarcity impacts 2018 Simonetto, Matteo - - -
Economic assessment of recreational ecosystem services affected by the rehabilitation project of a Finnish river 2016 SIMONETTO, MATTEOBARAUSSE, ALBERTOMANZARDO, ALESSANDROPALMERI, LUCASCIPIONI, ANTONIO + - - International scientific conference: The ecosystem services of urban rivers. Book of abstracts
Is ecosystem restoration worth the effort? The rehabilitation of a Finnish river affects recreational ecosystem services 2015 SIMONETTO, MATTEOBARAUSSE, ALBERTOMANZARDO, ALESSANDROPALMERI, LUCASCIPIONI, ANTONIO + ECOSYSTEM SERVICES - -
Life Cycle Assessment to support monetary evaluation of water related impacts 2018 Matteo SimonettoAlessandro ManzardoAnna MazziAntonio Scipioni - - Life Cycle Thinking in decision-making for sustainability: from public policies to private businesses. Proceedings of the 12th Italian LCA Network Conference
Mapping diffusion of Environmental Product Declarations released by European program operators 2019 Toniolo, SaraMazzi, AnnaSimonetto, MatteoZuliani, FilippoScipioni, Antonio SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION - -
Product Environmental Footprint in agrifood sector: the case study of Parma ham 2016 SIMONETTO, MATTEOFEDELE, ANDREAMANZARDO, ALESSANDROMAZZI, ANNASCIPIONI, ANTONIO - - Atti del X Convegno Scientifico dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA “Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità ed economia circolare”
Water footprint di organizzazione secondo UNI EN ISO 14046 2018 Manzardo AlessandroSimonetto MatteoScipioni Antonio U & C. UNIFICAZIONE E CERTIFICAZIONE - -