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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
'Elettroliti di stato solido a base di ossidi di metalli drogati con fluoro', brevetto italiano depositato il 21/07/2011. 2011 DI NOTO, VITOBERTASI, FEDERICONEGRO, ENRICOPIGA, MATTEO + - - -
A new hybrid inorganic-organic nanocomposite electrolyte based on lithiated fluoride-functionalized titania plasticized with EMImTFSI ionic liquid 2010 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOBERTASI, FEDERICONEGRO, ENRICO - - -
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy: A Powerful Tool for the Determination of Charge Transfer Mechanisms in Ion Conductors 2012 DI NOTO, VITOGIFFIN, GUINEVEREVEZZU', KETIPIGA, MATTEOLAVINA, SANDRA - - Solid State Proton Conductors: Properties and Applications in Fuel Cells
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy: a tool to study the effects of nanofillers in hybrid membranes for application in PEMFCs 2009 LAVINA, SANDRAPIGA, MATTEONEGRO, ENRICODI NOTO, VITO MRS PROCEEDINGS - E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting
Broadband electric spectroscopy of proton conducting SPEEK membranes 2012 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVERE + JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE - -
Broadband Electric Spectroscopy of Sulfonated Polyetherether Ketone and Polybenzimidazole-Based Proton-Conducting Materials 2011 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEONEGRO, ENRICOGIFFIN, GUINEVERELAVINA, SANDRA + - - -
Characterization of sulfated-zirconia/Nafion® composite membranes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 2012 GIFFIN, GUINEVEREPIGA, MATTEOLAVINA, SANDRADI NOTO, VITO + JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES - -
Clinical profile and direct medical cost of care of adults presenting with systemic lupus erythematosus in Italy 2015 DORIA, ANDREAIACCARINO, LUCAPIGA, MATTEO + CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Comparative study between two European inception cohorts of patients with early systemic lupus erythematosus 2020 Bellisai, FrancescaBortoluzzi, AlessandraIaccarino, LucaPiga, Matteo + CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Dielectric Relaxations and Conductivity Mechanism of Nafion: Studies Based on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy 2008 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEONEGRO, ENRICOLAVINA, SANDRA + ECS TRANSACTIONS - -
Early disease and low baseline damage predict response to belimumab in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 2020 Gatto, MarieleSaccon, FrancescaZen, MargheritaTincani, AngelaBortoluzzi, AlessandraPiga, MatteoVacca, AngeloGerli, RobertoLarosa, MaddalenaIaccarino, LucaDoria, Andrea + ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Effect of the anion on the properties of proton-conducting membranes based on neutralized Nafion 117®, Triethylammonium methanesulfonate and Triethylammonium perfluorobutanesulfonate 2011 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVERELAVINA, SANDRA + - - 1st International Workshop on Long life membranes based on PFSA & SAPs: Preparation and Characterization
Hybrid inorganic-organic proton conducting membranes (H-IOPM) based on Nafion and oxocluster nanofillers: structural features, relaxations and conductivity 2009 DI NOTO, VITOLAVINA, SANDRANEGRO, ENRICOPIGA, MATTEO + MRS PROCEEDINGS - E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting
Hybrid inorganic-organic proton conducting membranes based on Nafion and 5 wt% of MxOy (M = Ti, Zr, Hf, Ta and W). Part II: Relaxation phenomena and conductivity mechanism. 2009 DI NOTO, VITOLAVINA, SANDRANEGRO, ENRICOCONTI, FOSCAPIGA, MATTEO + JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES - -
Influence of Anions on Proton-Conducting Membranes Based on Neutralized Nafion 117, Triethylammonium Methanesulfonate, and Triethylammonium Perfluorobutanesulfonate. 1. Synthesis and Properties 2012 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVERELAVINA, SANDRA + JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C - -
Interplay between chemical structure and ageing on mechanical and electric relaxations in poly(ether-block-amide)s 2013 TODROS, SILVIANATALI, ARTUROPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVEREDI NOTO, VITO + POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY - -
Interplay between conductivity and dielectric relaxation phenomena in EMImBF4 and EMImTFSI ionic liquids 2010 LAVINA, SANDRAPIGA, MATTEONEGRO, ENRICODI NOTO, VITO - - -
Interplay between Mechanical, Electrical, and Thermal Relaxations in Nanocomposite Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Nafion and a [(ZrO2)·(Ta2O5)0.119] core-shell nanofiller 2012 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVEREVEZZU', KETI + JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - -
Interplay between nanostructure and proton conductivity of Nafion-based nanocomposite membranes 2011 DI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOLAVINA, SANDRAGIFFIN, GUINEVERENEGRO, ENRICO - - 242nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society
Interplay between Structural and Dielectric Features of New Low k Hybrid Organic-Organometallic Supramolecular Ribbons 2012 SGARBOSSA, PAOLOBERTANI, ROBERTADI NOTO, VITOPIGA, MATTEOGIFFIN, GUINEVERE + CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN - -