Università di Padova
An Investigation on Wear Properties of A390 Alloy by Rare Alloying Elements
2020 Timelli, G.; Haghayeghi, R.; Scampone, G.; De Mori, A.
Design of wear-resistant diecast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloys for high-temperature components
2020 Timelli, G.; Fabrizi, A.; Vezzu, S.; De Mori, A.
Effect of pressure cycles and thermal conditions on the reliability of a high-pressure diecast Al alloy heating radiator
2019 Timelli, G.; DE MORI, Alessandro; Haghayeghi, R.
Effect of T6 heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of secondary AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloys produced by semi-solid SEED process
2018 Fabrizi, A.; Capuzzi, S.; DE MORI, Alessandro; Timelli, G.
Effect of thermal exposure on high temperature mechanical properties of secondary AlSi7Cu3Mg alloys
2018 DE MORI, Alessandro; Fabrizi, Alberto; Timelli, Giulio
High Temperature Fatigue Behaviour of Secondary AlSi7Cu3Mg Alloys
2019 De Mori, Alessandro; Timelli, Giulio; Berto, Filippo
High temperature fatigue of heat treated secondary AlSi7Cu3Mg alloys
2020 De Mori, A.; Timelli, G.; Berto, F.; Fabrizi, A.
Influence of Cu content on the microstructure and high-temperature tensile and fatigue properties of secondary AlSi7Mg0.3VZr alloys
2021 De Mori, A.; Timelli, G.; Fabrizi, A.; Berto, F.
Influence of T6 heat treatment on secondary AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloy produced by semi-solid seed process
2018 Fabrizi, A.; Timelli, G.; De Mori, A.
Progettazione e utilizzo di un sistema sensorizzato a supporto del processo produttivo di pressocolata
2023 Battaglia, Eleonora; De Mori, A.; Scarpa, G.
Reliability of a high-pressure die cast Al alloy radiator
2019 Timelli, G.; De Mori, A.; Haghayeghi, R.