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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Connections between glacial and fluvial systems in the lower Astico Valley and the piedmont plain (NE Italy) 2012 ROSSATO, SANDROMOZZI, PAOLOGAUDIOSO, BARBARAMIOLA, ANTONELLA + RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA - -
Doline Fills - Case Study of the Faverghera Plateau(Venetian Pre-Alps, Italy) 2009 FERRARESE, FRANCESCOMIOLA, ANTONELLAMOZZI, PAOLO + ACTA CARSOLOGICA - -
Geomorphological evolution and sediment transfer in the Piave River system (northeastern Italy) since the Last Glacial Maximum 2009 CARTON, ALBERTOBONDESAN, ALDINOFONTANA, ALESSANDROMENEGHEL, MIRCOMIOLA, ANTONELLAMOZZI, PAOLOSURIAN, NICOLA + GÉOMORPHOLOGIE - -
Holocene salt marsh plant communities in the North Adriatic coastal plain (Italy) as reflected by pollen, NPP and plant macrofossil analyses 2010 MIOLA, ANTONELLA + VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY - -
Indagine ambientale e storico-archeologica nella Tenuta di Ca'Tron (Roncade-Treviso/Meolo-Venezia). Rapporto 2002 2003 BUSANA, MARIA STELLABONDESAN, ALDINOMICHELINI, PAOLOMIOLA, ANTONELLAMOZZI, PAOLO + QUADERNI DI ARCHEOLOGIA DEL VENETO - -
Integrating palaeo- And archaeobotanical data for a synthesis of the Italian fossil record of Lycopus (Lamiaceae, Mentheae) 2021 Miola A. + PHYTOTAXA - -
L'ambiente di Ca' Tron in età  romana: dati dalle indagini paleobotaniche. In Busana MS (ed) La Tenuta di ca' tron (Roncade-Treviso/Meolo-Venezia): le indagini su un edificio rustico di età romana. 2005 MIOLA, ANTONELLA + QUADERNI DI ARCHEOLOGIA DEL VENETO - -
La Tenuta di Ca'Tron (Roncae-Treviso/Meolo-Venezia): le indagini su un edificio rustico di età romana 2005 BUSANA, MARIA STELLAMAZZOCCHIN, STEFANIAMIOLA, ANTONELLANARDI, SERENELLAPIZZEGHELLO, DIEGO + QUADERNI DI ARCHEOLOGIA DEL VENETO - -
Late Holocene Palaeoenvironmental evolution and human settlements in the Adige River Plain (Italy) 2007 PIOVAN, SILVIAMOZZI, PAOLOMIOLA, ANTONELLASTEFANI, CRISTINA QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL - -
Late Quaternary glaciations and connections to the piedmont plain in the prealpine environment: The middle and lower Astico Valley (NE Italy) 2013 ROSSATO, SANDROMOZZI, PAOLOMIOLA, ANTONELLA + QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL - -
Middle Pleistocene to Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the south-eastern Alpine foreland basin from multi-proxy analysis 2021 Marcolla A.Miola A.Mozzi P.Stefani C. + QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS - -
Nomenclatural and taxonomical notes on some taxa described by Roberto de Visiani from Egypt and Sudan 2019 Clementi MorenoMiola Antonella + PHYTOTAXA - -
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction from LGM to historical time in the lower coastal plain of the Piave river. Preliminary pollen analysis on a 20 m core of lagoon and fluvial sediments 2003 BONDESAN, ALDINOMENEGHEL, MIRCOMIOLA, ANTONELLA + IL QUATERNARIO - -
Pollen and macroremains from Holocene archaeological sites: a dataset for the understanding of the bio-cultural diversity of the Italian landscape 2014 MIOLA, ANTONELLA + REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY - -
Pollen data for a biostratigraphy of LGM in the Venetian Po Plain 2003 MIOLA, ANTONELLACORAIN, LIVIO + IL QUATERNARIO - -
Preboreal climatic oscillations recorded by pollen and foraminifera in the Southern Adriatic Sea 2008 MIOLA, ANTONELLA + QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL - -
Ricerche limnologiche sul Lago di Tovel (Trentino) ed ipotesi sul mancato arrossamento 1981 TREVISAN, RENATAMIOLA, ANTONELLA + STUDI TRENTINI DI SCIENZE NATURALI - ACTA BIOLOGICA - -
Stratigraphy and geomorphology of an abandoned northern branch of the Po river, the Po di Adria paleochannel (Italy) 2007 PIOVAN, SILVIAMOZZI, PAOLOSTEFANI, CRISTINAMIOLA, ANTONELLA EPITOME - -
The archaeology of ancient pastoral sites in the territory of Montescaglioso (4th - 1st century BC). An interdisciplinary approach from the Bradano valley (Basilicata - southern Italy) 2013 MIOLA, ANTONELLA + SIRIS - -
The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website 2018 M. GuidoA. Miola + FLORA MEDITERRANEA - -