Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - SPGI
Risultati 1 - 11 di 11 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.025 secondi).
A Dual Entity: The European Investment Bank and Its Lending Policy from Its Origins to the Late 1970s
2023 Coppolaro, Lucia
Face à la globalisation: La Communauté/Union Européenne et le régime multilatéral du commerce (1986-2001)
2017 Coppolaro, Lucia
Facing globalization: the EC/EU in the multilateral trade regime (1986-2001)
2017 Coppolaro, Lucia
Globalising GATT. The European Union and the trade regime in the 1980s – 1990s
2018 Coppolaro, Lucia
In the Shadow of Globalization: The European Community and the United States in the GATT Negotiations of the Tokyo Round (1973–1979)
2018 Coppolaro, Lucia
Introduction to Laying the Foundation: An Exploration of the European Investment Bank’s Early Years
2023 Coppolaro, Lucia
Italy and the EIB: Influence and Institutional Trajectories from Inception to the First EEC Enlargement
2023 Coppolaro, Lucia
Portugal and European integration, 1947-1992: An essay on protected openness in the European periphery
2013 Coppolaro, Lucia
Setting up the financing institution of the European Economic Community: the creation of the European Investment Bank (1955-1957)
2010 Coppolaro, Lucia
U.S. policy on European integration during the GATT Kennedy Round negotiations (1962-1967): the last Hurrah of America's Europeanists
2011 Coppolaro, Lucia
“In search of power. The European Commission in the Kennedy Round negotiations (1963-1967)
2014 Coppolaro, Lucia