Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - DEI
5G NR-Light at Millimeter Waves: Design Guidelines for Mid-Market IoT Use Cases
2023 Pagin, M.; Zugno, T.; Giordani, M.; Dufrene, L. A.; Lampin, Q.; Zorzi, M.
6G Drivers for B2B Market
2021 Giordani, Marco; Polese, Michele; Laya, Andres; Bertin, Emmanuel; Zorzi, Michele
6G for Bridging the Digital Divide: Wireless Connectivity to Remote Areas
2021 Chaoub, Abdelaali; Giordani, Marco; Lall, Brejesh; Bhatia, Vimal; Kliks, Adrian; Mendes, Luciano; Rabie, Khaled; Saarnisaari, Harri; Singhal, Amit; Zhang, Nan; Dixit, Sudhir; Zorzi, Michele
6G Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks with Sub-Terahertz Links
2023 Gargari, A. A.; Pagin, M.; Polese, M.; Zorzi, M.
A Bayesian analysis of Compressive Sensing data recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
2009 Masiero, R; Quer, G; Rossi, Michele; Zorzi, Michele
A Bike-sharing Optimization Framework Combining Dynamic Rebalancing and User Incentives
2020 Chiariotti, Federico; Pielli, Chiara; Zanella, Andrea; Zorzi, Michele
A channel representation method for the study of hybrid retransmission-based error control
2009 Badia, Leonardo; Levorato, M; Zorzi, Michele
A characterization of resource allocation in LTE systems aimed at game theoretical approaches
2010 Luca, Anchora; Canzian, Luca; Badia, Leonardo; Zorzi, Michele
A cluster formation protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
2010 Asterjadhi, A; Baldo, N; Zorzi, Michele
A Clustering Approach for the Detection of Acoustic/Seismic Signals of Unknown Structure
2018 Diamant, Roee; Kipnis, Dror; Zorzi, Michele
A Collaborative Reputation Mechanism for Underwater Acoustic Networks
2024 Donega, F.; Francescon, R.; Campagnaro, F.; Nissen, I.; Zorzi, M.
A comparison between opportunistic and fair resource allocation scheduling for LTE
2014 Centenaro, Marco; Pesce, Massimiliano; Munaretto, Daniele; Zanella, Andrea; Zorzi, Michele
A Comparison Between the Tone-Lohi and Slotted FAMA MAC Protocols for Underwater Networks
2008 Casari, Paolo; Tomasi, Beatrice; Zorzi, Michele
A comparison of CDMA, TDMA and Slotted ALOHA multiple access schemes in cellular mobile radio systems
1994 Zorzi, Michele; Tomba, L.
A Comparison of Multiple Access Techniques in Clustered Underwater Acoustic Networks
2007 Casari, Paolo; Marella, S; Zorzi, Michele
A Configurable Mathematical Model for Single-Gateway LoRaWAN Performance Analysis
2021 Magrin, D.; Capuzzo, M.; Zanella, A.; Zorzi, M.
A cooperative scheduling algorithm for the coexistence of fixed satellite services and 5G cellular network
2015 Guidolin, Francesco; Nekovee, Maziar; Badia, Leonardo; Zorzi, Michele
A CrossLayer Solution for VoIP over IEEE802.11
2005 F., DE PELLEGRINI; F., Maguolo; Zanella, Andrea; Zorzi, Michele
A Decentralized Optimization Framework for Energy Harvesting Devices
2018 Biason, Alessandro; Dey, Subhrakanti; Zorzi, Michele
A Deep Neural Network Approach for Customized Prediction of Mobile Devices Discharging Time
2017 Gentil, Mattia; Galeazzi, Alessandro; Chiariotti, Federico; Polese, Michele; Zanella, Andrea; Zorzi, Michele