Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei" - DFA
Risultati 1 - 2 di 2 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.009 secondi).
Formation of volatile iodine compounds under hot concentrated acid conditions (nitric acid or aqua regia) and in diluted acid solutions with or without thiocyanate
2017 Badocco, Denis; Romanini, Francesca; DI MARCO, Valerio; Mondin, Andrea; Pastore, Paolo
Gamma spectrometer based on CeBr3 scintillator with Compton suppression for identification of trace activities in water
2015 Swiderski, Lukasz; Schotanus, Paul; Bodewits, Erwin; Badocco, Denis; Batsch, Tadeusz; Cester, Davide; Corbo, Matteo; Garosi, Paola; Iovene, Alessandro; Iwanowska Hanke, Joanna; Lunardon, Marcello; Moszynski, Marek; Pastore, Paolo; Romanini, Francesca; Stevanato, Luca; Tintori, Carlo; Viesti, Giuseppe
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | Rivista | Serie | Titolo libro |
Formation of volatile iodine compounds under hot concentrated acid conditions (nitric acid or aqua regia) and in diluted acid solutions with or without thiocyanate | 2017 | BADOCCO, DENISROMANINI, FRANCESCADI MARCO, VALERIOMONDIN, ANDREAPASTORE, PAOLO | POLYHEDRON | - | - |
Gamma spectrometer based on CeBr3 scintillator with Compton suppression for identification of trace activities in water | 2015 | BADOCCO, DENISCESTER, DAVIDECORBO, MATTEOLUNARDON, MARCELLOPASTORE, PAOLOROMANINI, FRANCESCASTEVANATO, LUCAVIESTI, GIUSEPPE + | - | - | 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015 |