Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
Risultati 1 - 19 di 19 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.041 secondi).
A note on divisorial correspondences of extensions of abelian schemes by tori
2020 Bertolin, C.; Galluzzi, F.
Biextensions of 1-Motives in Voevodsky's Category of Motives
2009 Bertolin, C.; Mazza, C.
Biextensions of Picard stacks and their homological interpretation
2013 Bertolin, C.
Brauer groups of 1-motives
2021 Bertolin, C.; Galluzzi, F.
Extensions and biextensions of locally constant group schemes, tori and abelian schemes
2009 Bertolin, C.
Extensions of picard 2-stacks and the cohomology groups Exti of length 3 complexes
2015 Bertolin, C.; Tatar, A. E.
Extensions of Picard stacks and their homological interpretation
2011 Bertolin, C.
G-fonctions et cohomologie des hypersurfaces singulières
1997 Bertolin, C.
G-fonctions et cohomologie des hypersurfaces singuliéres II
1998 Bertolin, C.
Higher-dimensional study of extensions via torsors
2018 Bertolin, C.; Tatar, A. E.
Homological interpretation of extensions and biextensions of 1-motives
2012 Bertolin, C.
Le radical unipotent du groupe de Galois motivique d'un 1-motif
2003 Bertolin, C.
Morphisms of 1-motives defined by line bundles
2019 Bertolin, C.; Brochard, S.
Multilinear morphisms between 1-motives
2009 Bertolin, C.
Mumford-Tate groups of 1-motives and Weil pairing
2024 Bertolin, Cristiana; Philippon, Patrice
Périodes de 1-motifs et transcendance
2002 Bertolin, C.
Semi-abelian analogues of Schanuel conjecture and applications
2022 Bertolin, C.; Philippon, P.; Saha, B.; Saha, E.
The Mumford-Tate group of 1-motives
2002 Bertolin, C.
Third kind elliptic integrals and 1-motives
2020 Bertolin, C.