Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.731
EU - Europa 806
AS - Asia 679
SA - Sud America 7
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 6.228
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.722
CN - Cina 296
SG - Singapore 248
IT - Italia 188
SE - Svezia 164
FI - Finlandia 113
PT - Portogallo 87
DE - Germania 70
FR - Francia 56
VN - Vietnam 54
GB - Regno Unito 50
UA - Ucraina 30
IN - India 25
KR - Corea 19
TR - Turchia 18
NL - Olanda 16
CA - Canada 8
IE - Irlanda 7
PH - Filippine 5
OM - Oman 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
AT - Austria 3
BE - Belgio 3
ES - Italia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
PE - Perù 3
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
CH - Svizzera 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PL - Polonia 2
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HR - Croazia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JP - Giappone 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 6.228
Città #
Fairfield 803
Houston 410
Woodbridge 388
Ashburn 336
Chandler 288
Seattle 278
Cambridge 272
Wilmington 272
Ann Arbor 251
Santa Clara 205
Singapore 195
Jacksonville 146
Boardman 136
Princeton 108
Medford 82
San Diego 78
Padova 72
Beijing 70
Helsinki 60
Des Moines 54
Dong Ket 54
Roxbury 48
Nanjing 43
New York 36
Gwanak-gu 17
Izmir 17
Shenyang 17
Nanchang 13
Jinan 12
London 12
Guangzhou 11
Milan 11
Modena 11
Hebei 9
Cagliari 8
Redwood City 8
Tianjin 8
Borås 7
Dublin 7
Kunming 7
Parma 7
Vicenza 7
Changsha 6
Hounslow 6
Norwalk 6
Falls Church 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Prescot 5
Velo d'Astico 5
Zhengzhou 5
Chicago 4
Jiaxing 4
Kharkiv 4
Muscat 4
Ogden 4
Pune 4
Washington 4
Bologna 3
Fuzhou 3
Gavardo 3
Mumbai 3
Napoli 3
Ningbo 3
Schijndel 3
Vienna 3
Acton 2
Amsterdam 2
Arequipa 2
Argenteuil 2
Arpajon 2
Astana 2
Azzano Decimo 2
Bacolod City 2
Baotou 2
Bonn 2
Brussels 2
Central 2
Dallas 2
Dongguan 2
Eindhoven 2
Falkenstein 2
Haikou 2
Hefei 2
Kilburn 2
Kuala Lumpur 2
Legnaro 2
Los Angeles 2
Lucena City 2
Madrid 2
Magenta 2
Nördlingen 2
Pinehaven 2
Pitlochry 2
Redmond 2
Riga 2
Rotterdam 2
Seelze 2
Taizhou 2
Tavagnacco 2
Tongyeong-si 2
Totale 5.039
Nome #
Health, behaviour and growth performance of Charolais and Limousin bulls fattened on different types of flooring 228
Can novel methods be useful for pain assessment of castrated piglets? 138
Administration of dexamethasone per os in finishing bulls. II. Effects on blood parameters used as indicators of animal welfare 136
Assessment of welfare of finishing beef cattle kept on different types of floor after short- or long-term housing 135
Main critical factors affecting the welfare of beef cattle and veal calves raised under intensive rearing systems in Italy: a review 129
Time of occurrence and prevalence of severe lameness in fattening Charolais bulls: Impact of type of floor and space allowance within type of floor 125
Effects of pen floor and class of live weight on behavioural and clinical parameters of beef cattle 116
Assessment of finishing beef cattle mortality in a sustainable farming perspective 113
Comparison of two feeding finishing treatments on production and quality of organic beef 112
Welfare assessment: correlations and integration between a qualitative behavioural assessment and clinical/health protocol applied in veal calves farms 108
Administration of dexamethasone per os in finishing bulls. I. Effects on productive traits, meat quality and cattle behaviour as indicator of welfare 107
Alternative solutions to the concrete fully-slatted floor for the housing of finishing beef cattle: Effects on growth performance, health of the locomotor system and behaviour 103
Nutrient digestibility of veal calves fed large amounts of different solid feeds during the first 80 days of fattening 103
An overview of claw disorders at slaughter in finishing beef cattle reared in intensive indoor systems through a cross-sectional study 101
Risk factors associated with beef cattle losses on intensive fattening farms in Austria, Germany and Italy 100
Synthetic rubber surface as an alternative to concrete to improve welfare and performance of finishing beef cattle reared on fully slatted flooring 99
A survey of selected animal-based measures of dairy cattle welfare in the Eastern Alps: Toward context-based thresholds 98
Factors associated with passive immunity transfer in dairy calves: combined effect of delivery time, amount and quality of the first colostrum meal 97
The use of corn silage in diets for beef cattle of different genotype 93
Short communication: Reference values for blood parameters in Holstein dairy cows: Effects of parity, stage of lactation, and season of production 91
Effects of management practices on the welfare of dairy donkeys and risk factors associated with signs of hoof neglect 90
Are we ready for the big change in the dairy production system? 90
Effect of a ceiling fan ventilation system on finishing young bulls’ health, behaviour and growth performance 85
Growth, slaughter performance and feeding behaviour of young bulls belonging to three native cattle breeds raised in the Alps 84
Prevalence and potential influencing factors of non-nutritive oral behaviors of veal calves on commercial farms 84
Towards the creation of a welfare assessment system in intensive beef cattle farms. 83
Effect of the number of daily distributions of solid feed on veal calves’ health status, behaviour, and alterations of rumen and abomasa 82
Do dairy farming systems differ in antimicrobial use? 81
A preliminary study on the assessment of pain induced by mutilation in piglets 80
Physiological and productive response of lactating dairy cows to the alpine transhumance at the end of the summer grazing 80
Effects of the provision of large amounts of solid feeds to veal calves on growth and slaughter performance and intravitam and postmortem welfare indicators 78
Feeding behaviour, diet digestibility, rumen fluid and metabolic parameters of beef cattle fed total mixed rations with a stepped substitution of wheat straw with maize silage 78
Short communication: Reference limits for blood analytes in Holstein late-pregnant heifers and dry cows: Effects of parity, days relative to calving, and season 78
Prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders recorded at postmortem inspection in white veal calves and associated risk factors 76
Trend overtime of total haemoglobin, iron metabolism and trace minerals in veal calves fed high amounts of two different solid feeds. 76
A 20-year Analysis of the Evolution of Automatic Milking Systems: Processes, Technologies and Livestock Environment 73
Effects of the provision of solid feeds enriched with protein or nonprotein nitrogen on veal calf growth, welfare, and slaughter performance 72
Growth performance and behaviour of finishing beef cattle illegally treated with growth promoters 71
Risk factors for claw disorders in intensively finished Charolais beef cattle 71
Veal calves' clinical/health status in large groups fed with automatic feeding devices. 69
Dehorning of cattle in the EU Member States: A quantitative survey of the current practices 68
Investigation of a Standardized Qualitative Behaviour Assessment and Exploration of Potential Influencing Factors on the Emotional State of Dairy Calves 67
Effectiveness of Stocking Density Reduction on Mitigating Lameness in a Charolais Finishing Beef Cattle Farm. Animals 67
Relationship between pig welfare in the pre-slaughter phase and superficial bruises of their carcasses. 67
Refining consumer attitudes to milk and dairy product purchase and use to reduce food waste and improve animal welfare on-farm 62
Growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality of young bulls of dual purpose breeds of the Italian Alps 59
Effects of two finishing diets on growth performance, carcass characteristics and feeding behaviour of Slovenian Cika and Simmental young bulls 59
The relationship between clinical signs of respiratory system disorders and lung lesions at slaughter in veal calves 58
Evaluation of on-farm veal calves' responses to unfamiliar humans and potential influencing factors 55
Lameness in finishing beef cattle: distribution of claw disorders in 2716 hind feet 54
Criteri e metodi di valutazione del benessere nell' allevamento dei bovini da carne 53
Vitello a carne bianca. I risultati dell'indagine dell'Università di Padova. 52
Challenges and tendencies of automatic milking systems (AMS): A 20-years systematic review of literature and patents 52
Short communication: Reference intervals for claw dimensions of intensively finished Charolais and Limousin young bulls and heifers housed on different flooring systems 51
Digital Technologies and Automation in Livestock Production Systems: a Digital Footprint from Multisource Data 51
Prevalence of respiratory disorders in veal calves and potential risk factors 50
Farmers’ opinion about the welfare of beef cattle and how it should be assessed on-farm 49
Citizens' view on veal calves' fattening system in Italy and animal welfare 48
Opinion of the Italian pig farmers about animal welfare 48
Animal welfare as a pillar of a sustainable farm animal production. 48
Assessment of Rumen Mucosa, Lung, and Liver Lesions at Slaughter as Benchmarking Tool for the Improvement of Finishing Beef Cattle Health and Welfare 48
Exploring the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in an International Undergraduate Program in Veterinary Sciences: Students’ Satisfaction, Experience and Learning 46
EFSA EXTERNAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: The use of animal-based measures to assess animal welfare in the EU - state of art of the last 10 years of activities and analysis of the gaps. Preparatory work. 46
Effects of innovative horizontal fans on beef cattle health, growth and welfare 44
Are abnormal behaviours still a problem when veal calves are provided with high amounts of solid feeds? 43
Automatic detection of cow/calf vocalizations in free-stall barn 43
Behavioural response to different climatic conditions of beef cattle in intensive rearing systems 42
Challenging suicide, burnout, and depression among veterinary practitioners and students: text mining and topics modelling analysis of the scientific literature 42
Concentration of noxious gases in dairy, beef and veal calves farms in Northern Italy 39
Assessment of replacement young stock mortality rates through exploitation of breeders’ association and insurance records 39
A survey on the rearing systems of young replacement stock in Holstein dairy farms located in the Veneto region 38
Physiological and behavioural responses in piglets submitted to castration: preliminary study 37
Prevalence of locomotory system disorders in veal calves and risk factors for occurrence of bursitis 37
National cattle movement database use to assess beef cattle mortality in a sustainable farming view 37
Survey on mortality rate of young stock on dairy farms of the Province of Padova 37
Post-mortem rumen mucosa, lung and liver alterations in intensively finished beef cattle 37
The Use of the General Animal-Based Measures Codified Terms in the Scientific Literature on Farm Animal Welfare 37
Dairy production-related factors that affect amount of cows’ treatments with antibacterials for systemic and intramammary use. 36
Meeting religious requirements and food safety during ritual slaughter: a case study on how Italian authorities handle the issue 36
Are sole ulcer and white line disease causes of lameness in finishing beef cattle? 35
Benessere animale 33
Evaluation of the relationship between mastitis problems and subjective judgments of facilities and animal cleanliness in dairy farms 30
Rumen mucosa alterations in intensively finished fattening cattle 30
Welfare assessment in mountain small scale dairy farms 30
Development of a fixed list of terms for qualitative behavioural assessment of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Sanctuaries 30
Effetto della transumanza di fine alpeggio sul comportamento e sulla produzione di latte di bovine di razza Frisona e Bruna 29
Effect of space allowance on beef cattle performance and health 28
Monitoring of drug consumption in dairy cattle farms 27
Effetto della densità sulle performance e la salute di vitelloni in fase di finissaggio. 27
Prevalence of gastrointestinal, liver and claw disorders in veal calves fed large amounts of solid feed through a cross-sectional study 25
Prevalence of and risk factors for Failure of Passive Transfer of immunity in newborn calves in Italian dairy farms. 24
Can welfare assessment and risk factor analysis contribute to welfare improvements in veal calves? 23
Animal welfare during transport: comparison of mortality during transport from farm to slaughter of different animal species and categories in the Czech Republic 20
A retrospective study on the prevalence of main clinical findings in brown bears (Ursus arctos) rescued from substandard husbandry conditions 19
Main welfare problems in intensive broiler chicken production systems: is there any way to differentiate farms? 18
A methodological approach to compare continuous and instantaneous sampling and two methods to deal with animals out of sight on dairy cattle behavior and interaction with their calf in the first hours post-partum 15
Mountain summer pasturing improves behavioural measures of welfare of dairy cows reared in small scale farms. 14
What is the emotional state of dairy calves and young stock? 14
State of the art of the cow-calf systems in beef and dairy cattle (Bos taurus) operations in EU, USA, and Brazil from 1998 to 2023 7
Totale 6.365
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.831
article - articoli 18.011
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 303
Totale 43.145

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020700 0 0 0 0 0 78 106 133 126 129 82 46
2020/20211.033 22 79 102 47 45 103 22 69 151 126 163 104
2021/20221.088 31 116 103 95 81 89 27 139 54 21 66 266
2022/2023760 169 10 5 55 166 89 2 70 107 23 52 12
2023/2024528 33 54 72 38 32 59 52 51 14 7 57 59
2024/2025704 7 151 85 85 333 43 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.369