Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 647
NA - Nord America 638
AS - Asia 198
OC - Oceania 12
AF - Africa 3
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.500
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 635
IT - Italia 499
SG - Singapore 105
CN - Cina 52
SE - Svezia 30
DE - Germania 28
FR - Francia 21
FI - Finlandia 16
NL - Olanda 13
AU - Australia 12
GB - Regno Unito 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
PH - Filippine 8
IN - India 7
NO - Norvegia 7
RO - Romania 6
ES - Italia 5
ID - Indonesia 4
CA - Canada 3
MY - Malesia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PT - Portogallo 3
AL - Albania 2
BR - Brasile 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IE - Irlanda 2
TD - Ciad 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 1.500
Città #
Padova 133
Fairfield 93
Singapore 84
Santa Clara 72
Milan 59
Ashburn 57
Seattle 42
Ann Arbor 40
Paese 37
Woodbridge 36
Boardman 32
Houston 25
Rome 23
Wilmington 22
Cambridge 19
Des Moines 19
Arezzo 18
Chandler 17
Arzignano 12
Medford 12
Princeton 12
Vicenza 12
Helsinki 10
San Diego 10
Beijing 7
Belluno 7
Fontanelle 7
Jesolo 7
Sydney 7
Cagliari 6
Horia 6
Enschede 5
Guangzhou 5
Brisbane 4
Este 4
Munich 4
Oslo 4
Sulmona 4
Taranto 4
Venice 4
Wan Chai 4
Arcene 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Frekhaug 3
Göttingen 3
Hong Kong 3
Karlsruhe 3
Lahore 3
London 3
Manila 3
New York 3
Nürnberg 3
Oak Harbor 3
Orta Nova 3
Rovato 3
Scorzè 3
Shanghai 3
Taiyuan 3
Treviso 3
Alessandria 2
Bacolod City 2
Baesweiler 2
Barcelona 2
Bari 2
Bologna 2
Borås 2
Bresso 2
Budapest 2
Camogli 2
Cebu City 2
Chemnitz 2
Clovis 2
Columbus 2
Copertino 2
Dublin 2
Ermont 2
Fara Vicentino 2
Halifax 2
Hebei 2
Horneburg 2
Lappeenranta 2
Lisbon 2
Manfredonia 2
Mason Vicentino 2
Montegrotto Terme 2
N'Djamena 2
Nanjing 2
Offanengo 2
Pescara 2
Piazzola sul Brenta 2
Roxbury 2
San Bonifacio 2
Subang Jaya 2
São Paulo 2
Tampere 2
Tashkent 2
Tirana 2
Trieste 2
Turin 2
Utrecht 2
Totale 1.121
Nome #
Do Smart Grids Boost Investments in Domestic PV Plants? Evidence from the Italian Electricity Market 171
The participation of small-scale variable distributed renewable energy sources to the balancing services market 103
High volatility, high emissions? a hidden-Markov model approach 101
Electricity prices in Italy: Data registered during photovoltaic activity interval 98
Flexible and integrated. Photovoltaic Investment evaluation in a Smart Grid environment 92
Smart grids, energy production and private investments: a real option approach 92
Renewable energy communities, digitalization and information 90
Smart grids in the renewable energy community era: New markets and the role of information 77
"How to Manage Public Artworks? A Market Alternative to Deaccessioning" 73
Competition in smart distribution grids 69
The European Local ENergy Assistance (ELENA) Fund: The Relevance of Expected and Unexpected Partnerships 59
Gli investimenti pubblico-privati per la transizione energetica: dall'esperienza degli enti locali alla prospettiva delle comunità energetiche. 53
Financial sustainability and profitability of supercritical CO2 pasteurization of liquid products: A case study 53
“Building the Smart Grid : a literature review” 41
Accounting carbon emissions from electricity generation: a review and comparison of emission factor-based methods 36
The role of the DSOs in the energy transition towards sustainability. A case study from Italy 36
Business Models for Energy Community in the Aggregator Perspective: State of the Art and Research Gaps 36
A Methodology for Carbon Footprint Estimations of Research Project Activities—A Scenarios Analysis for Reducing Carbon Footprint 32
Sustainable Last-Mile Logistics in Economics Studies: A Systematic Literature Review 32
Clustering electricity market dynamics with hidden Markov models 32
Impact of local energy markets integration in power systems layer: A comprehensive review 31
Investing in Photovoltaics in a Smart Grid Context: the Prosumer's Perspective 30
On the Management of Hidden Artwork: A Public–Private Partnership Approach 26
Comunità Energetiche: oltre i decreti, le vere sfide 24
Fonti rinnovabili. Servizi a KM0 delle comunità energetiche. 23
Impact of grid innovations on electricity price volatility in Italian island markets 14
Energy Efficiency in Urban Context: An Overview of European-Funded Projects with the Analysis of an ELENA Case Study 13
null 6
Totale 1.543
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.285
article - articoli 3.411
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 111
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 596
Totale 10.403

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202043 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 6 11 8 4 5
2020/2021147 11 30 9 1 5 0 2 6 29 26 24 4
2021/2022217 1 20 16 49 15 15 3 28 16 9 4 41
2022/2023151 27 3 3 6 15 22 7 8 24 4 22 10
2023/2024429 10 32 33 24 16 42 18 38 26 80 50 60
2024/2025466 42 52 71 113 135 53 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.543