Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 22.006
EU - Europa 3.915
AS - Asia 3.323
AF - Africa 51
OC - Oceania 29
SA - Sud America 26
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 29.355
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 21.921
IT - Italia 1.786
SG - Singapore 1.553
CN - Cina 1.019
DE - Germania 491
FI - Finlandia 483
SE - Svezia 278
HK - Hong Kong 270
FR - Francia 259
GB - Regno Unito 247
IN - India 153
VN - Vietnam 90
CA - Canada 76
NL - Olanda 72
RU - Federazione Russa 65
IE - Irlanda 53
UA - Ucraina 43
JP - Giappone 36
IR - Iran 32
KR - Corea 28
TR - Turchia 27
AU - Australia 25
GR - Grecia 20
ID - Indonesia 19
MA - Marocco 19
AT - Austria 18
ES - Italia 16
PE - Perù 14
PL - Polonia 12
MY - Malesia 11
PK - Pakistan 11
BR - Brasile 10
CH - Svizzera 10
LK - Sri Lanka 10
RO - Romania 10
BE - Belgio 9
SA - Arabia Saudita 9
IL - Israele 8
MX - Messico 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
EG - Egitto 6
HR - Croazia 6
TW - Taiwan 6
EU - Europa 5
IQ - Iraq 5
NG - Nigeria 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
AL - Albania 4
CY - Cipro 4
DZ - Algeria 4
JO - Giordania 4
KE - Kenya 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PH - Filippine 4
PT - Portogallo 4
RS - Serbia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
ET - Etiopia 3
GH - Ghana 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
DK - Danimarca 2
GT - Guatemala 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MT - Malta 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
FJ - Figi 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
LY - Libia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NA - Namibia 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 29.355
Città #
Fairfield 3.888
Woodbridge 2.316
Houston 1.691
Ashburn 1.554
Ann Arbor 1.364
Seattle 1.361
Cambridge 1.305
Singapore 1.261
Wilmington 1.118
Chandler 1.000
Santa Clara 903
Boardman 716
Padova 546
San Diego 452
Princeton 385
Medford 359
Helsinki 293
Beijing 235
Des Moines 233
Jacksonville 150
Leesburg 116
Nanjing 107
Milan 91
Dong Ket 87
Sacile 87
Roxbury 86
Munich 85
London 64
New York 62
Shenyang 54
Rome 51
Ogden 44
Montréal 43
Mestre 42
Hebei 41
Dublin 40
Arezzo 39
Jinan 39
Pune 39
Mcallen 34
Nanchang 34
Hong Kong 30
Frankfurt am Main 29
Trieste 29
Jiaxing 28
Norwalk 27
Changsha 26
Lappeenranta 26
Tianjin 26
Verona 26
Kilburn 25
Zhengzhou 25
Tokyo 23
Guangzhou 21
Chicago 20
Falkenstein 19
Gothenburg 18
Amsterdam 15
Bologna 15
Mumbai 15
Naaldwijk 15
Redwood City 15
Lancenigo-Villorba 14
Columbus 13
Kharkiv 13
Kyiv 13
Mountain View 13
Naples 13
Redmond 13
Berlin 12
Hangzhou 12
Marrakesh 12
Sydney 12
Turin 12
Venice 12
Vicenza 12
Haikou 11
Noceto 11
Nuremberg 11
Shanghai 11
Castignano 10
New Bedfont 10
Bengaluru 9
Casteltermini 9
Hounslow 9
Los Angeles 9
Perugia 9
Shenzhen 9
Vigonza 9
Acton 8
Borås 8
Due Carrare 8
Istanbul 8
Lanzhou 8
Lima 8
Modena 8
Montgomery 8
Ningbo 8
Orange 8
Rockville 8
Totale 23.279
Nome #
A host and network based intrusion detection for android smartphones 313
Secure machine to machine communication in industrial internet of things 213
OSSINT - Open Source Social Network Intelligence. An efficient and effective way to uncover "private" information in OSN profiles. 195
Analyzing Android Encrypted Network Traffic to Identify User Actions 179
Fast multi-hop broadcast of alert messages in VANETs: An analytical model 161
Adapting the system to users based on implicit data: Ethical risks and possible solutions 158
A Randomized, Efficient, and Distributed Protocol for the Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 147
ANSWERAUTH: A bimodal behavioral biometric-based user authentication scheme for smartphones 147
ECCE: Enhanced Cooperative Channel Establishment for secure pair-wise communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 137
TARE: Topology Adaptive Re-kEying scheme for secure group communication in IoT networks 134
The Dark Side(-Channel) of Mobile Devices: A Survey on Network Traffic Analysis 128
REMI: A Reliable and Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for IoT Networks 127
CENSOR: Cloud-enabled secure IoT architecture over SDN paradigm 126
SHeLA: Scalable Heterogeneous Layered Attestation 126
Time Warp: How Time Affects Privacy in LBSs 124
Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures for Target Localization in Bio-NanoThings Communication Networks 123
ELBA: Efficient layer based routing algorithm in SDN 123
Fair-RTT-DAS: A robust and efficient dynamic adaptive streaming over ICN 123
AppScanner: Automatic Fingerprinting of Smartphone Apps From Encrypted Network Traffic 122
SAND: Social-aware, network-failure resilient, and decentralized microblogging system 122
Mirage: Toward a stealthier and modular malware analysis sandbox for Android 121
Robust Smartphone App Identification via Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis 121
Requirements and Open Issues in Distributed Detection of Node Identity Replicas in WSN. 119
A lightweight mechanism for detection of cache pollution attacks in Named Data Networking 118
FOCAN: A Fog-supported smart city network architecture for management of applications in the Internet of Everything environments 118
Intelligent conditional collaborative private data sharing 117
A Novel Architecture for Cyber-Physical Security in Industrial Control Networks 114
Selfrando: Securing the Tor Browser against De-anonymization Exploits 113
Mobility-aware cross-layer routing for peer-to-peer networks 113
SAFETY: Early Detection and Mitigation of TCP SYN Flood Utilizing Entropy in SDN 113
Efficient privacy preserving device authentication in WBANs for industrial e-health applications 113
FM 99.9, Radio Virus: Exploiting FM Radio Broadcasts for Malware Deployment 112
Wide-scale Internet Disconnection: Impact and Recovery on Social-based P2P Overlays 111
You are how you play: Authenticating mobile users via game playing 110
Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing via Obfuscation and Diversification: a Survey 109
DDoS attacks in Cloud Computing: Collateral Damage to Non-targets 109
LiMCA: an optimal clustering algorithm for lifetime maximization of internet of things 109
Modeling Enlargement Attacks Against UWB Distance Bounding Protocols 108
LISA: Lightweight context-aware IoT service architecture 108
The impact of malicious nodes positioning on vehicular alert messaging system 108
Brain-Computer Interface Applications: Security and Privacy Challenges 107
sPECTRA: A Precise FramEwork for Analyzing CrypTographic VulneRabilities in Android Apps 107
Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication 106
ABAKA: A novel attribute-based k-anonymous collaborative solution for LBSs 106
Hand Drawn Optical Circuit Recognition 105
eRIPP-FS: Enforcing Privacy and Security in RFID 104
ANASTASIA: ANdroid mAlware detection using STAtic analySIs of Applications 103
Privacy-Aware Caching in Information-Centric Networking. 103
Sec-TMP: a Secure Topology Maintenance Protocol for Event Delivery Enforcement in WSN 103
On the Effectiveness of Sensor-enhanced Keystroke Dynamics Against Statistical Attacks 103
Impact of country-scale Internet disconnection on structured and social P2P overlays 102
A Survey of Man in the Middle Attacks 102
The Quest for Mobility Models to Analyse Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 101
On the economic significance of ransomware campaigns: A Bitcoin transactions perspective 101
Scheduling distributed energy resource operation and daily power consumption for a smart building to optimize economic and environmental parameters 101
PILOT: Password and PIN information leakage from obfuscated typing videos 101
You are AIRing too much: Assessing the privacy of users in crowdsourcing environmental data 100
Violating Consumer Anonymity: Geo-locating Nodes in Named Data Networking 100
You click, I steal: analyzing and detecting click hijacking attacks in web pages 100
Secure Cooperative Channel Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks 99
On the Feasibility of Attribute-Based Encryption on Smartphone Devices 99
Updaticator: Updating Billions of Devices by an Efficient, Scalable and Secure Software Update Distribution Over Untrusted Cache-enabled Networks 99
Advertising in the IoT Era: Vision and Challenges 99
Emergent Properties: Detection of the Node-capture Attack in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks 99
Smartphone and Laptop Frameworks for vehicular networking experimentation 98
Enhancing QoE for video streaming in MANETs via multi-constraint routing 98
CASSANDRA: a probabilistic, efficient, and privacy preserving solution to compute set intersection 97
CED2: Communication Efficient Disjointness Decision 97
Impact of security threats in vehicular alert messaging systems 97
Forensic Investigation of Cooperative Storage Cloud Service: Symform As a Case Study. 97
Whac-A-Mole: Smart Node Positioning in Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks 96
EnergIoT: A solution to improve network lifetime of IoT devices 96
Covert Ephemeral Communication in Named Data Networking 96
FastRIPP: RFID Privacy Preserving protocol with Forward Secrecy and Fast Resynchronization. 95
Events Privacy in WSNs: a New Model and its Application 95
Reverse Tree-based Key Routing: Robust Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks 95
FlowMine: Android App Analysis via Data Flow 95
Provably Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Grid 95
Colluding browser extension attack on user privacy and its implication for web browsers 95
Key Management Systems for Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Survey 95
Revealing Censored Information Through Comments and Commenters in Online Social Networks 94
Why Snoopy loves online services: An Analysis of (lack of) Privacy in Online Services. 94
Covert lie detection using keyboard dynamics 94
QoE Degradation Attack in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over ICN 94
A survey on security and privacy issues of bitcoin 94
Towards privacy preserving unstructured big data publishing 94
A machine learning based approach to detect malicious android apps using discriminant system calls 94
EyeCloud: A BotCloud Detection System 93
RPiDS: Raspberry Pi IDS. A Fruitful Intrusion Detection System for IoT 93
Mobility and Cooperation to Thwart Node Capture Attacks in MANETs 93
Spot the Difference: Your Bucket is Leaking : A Novel Methodology to Expose A/B Testing Effortlessly 93
Attack Resilient Underwater Networks Through Software Defined Networking 92
A Comprehensive and Effective Mechanism for DDoS Detection in SDN 92
Secure over-the-air software updates in connected vehicles: A survey 92
Privacy Leakage Attacks in Browsers by Colluding Extensions 91
Drone Path Planning for Secure Positioning and Secure Position Verification 91
DELTA: Data Extraction and Logging Tool for Android 91
A Survey on Industrial Control System Testbeds and Datasets for Security Research 91
Software defined service function chaining with failure consideration for fog computing 90
Windows Mobile LiveSD Forensics 89
Totale 11.128
Categoria #
all - tutte 133.627
article - articoli 61.452
book - libri 273
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 179
patent - brevetti 510
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.142
Totale 203.183

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.293 0 0 0 0 0 290 403 485 773 565 554 223
2020/20214.648 402 360 444 242 264 131 220 559 745 273 488 520
2021/20225.041 163 530 688 385 227 253 267 553 370 203 424 978
2022/20233.238 631 98 42 215 595 363 79 469 429 43 168 106
2023/20242.654 117 325 194 199 135 214 183 139 230 164 324 430
2024/20254.321 110 1.258 461 532 1.615 345 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 30.248