Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A square planar gold(III) bis-(1,1′-dimethyl-3,3′-methylene-diimidazol-2,2′-diylidene) trication as an efficient and selective receptor towards halogen anions: The cooperative effect of Au⋯X and X⋯HC interactions 2018 Baron, MarcoTubaro, CristinaOrian, LauraDi Marco, ValerioBogialli, SaraBasato, Marino + DALTON TRANSACTIONS - -
Advanced Morphological Control over Cu Nanowires through a Design of Experiments Approach 2024 Conte, AndreaFantin, MarcoAliprandi, AlessandroBaron, MarcoBonacchi, SaraAntonello, Sabrina + MATERIALS ADVANCES - -
Advances in Transition-Metal-Catalysed Alkyne Hydroarylations 2016 BIFFIS, ANDREATUBARO, CRISTINABARON, MARCO THE CHEMICAL RECORD - -
Bis(N-Heterocyclic Carbene) Manganese(I) Complexes in Catalytic N-Formylation/N-Methylation of Amines Using Carbon Dioxide and Phenylsilane 2023 Meloni, GiammarcoBaron, MarcoTubaro, Cristina + CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL - -
Blue-Emitting Dinuclear N-heterocyclic Dicarbene Gold(I) Complex Featuring a Nearly Unit Quantum Yield 2012 BARON, MARCOTUBARO, CRISTINABIFFIS, ANDREABASATO, MARINO + INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - -
Capturing Mercury-197m/g for Auger Electron Therapy and Cancer Theranostic with Sulfur-Containing Cyclen-Based Macrocycles 2024 Tosato M.Menegazzo I.Baron M.Di Marco V. + INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - -
Chelating di(N-heterocyclic carbene) complexes of iridium(III): Structural analysis, electrochemical characterisation and catalytic oxidation of water 2020 Volpe A.Sartorel A.Bonchio M.Biffis A.Baron M.Tubaro C. + JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY - -
Cobalt Spinel Nanocubes on N-Doped Graphene: A Synergistic Hybrid Electrocatalyst for the Highly Selective Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid 2017 SEKAR, PANDIARAJCALVILLO LAMANA, LAURATUBARO, CRISTINABARON, MARCOCARRARO, FRANCESCOMARTUCCI, ALESSANDROAGNOLI, STEFANO + ACS CATALYSIS - -
Coordination chemistry of gold with: N -phosphine oxide-substituted imidazolylidenes (POxIms) 2019 Branzi L.Baron M.Armelao L.Rancan M.Sgarbossa P.Biffis A. + NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY - -
Copper and silver nanowires for CO2 electroreduction 2023 Conte A.Baron M.Bonacchi S.Antonello S.Aliprandi A. NANOSCALE - -
Crystal structures of rhenium(V) complexes with thiosemicarbazonate ligands 2024 Lucchini, DBaron, MDolmella, A + ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA. SECTION A, FOUNDATIONS AND ADVANCES - 34th European Crystallography Meeting, Padova, Italy, August 2024
Di(N-heterocyclic carbene) gold(III) imidate complexes obtained by oxidative addition of N-halosuccinimides 2018 Baron, MarcoDalla Tiezza, MarcoCARLOTTO, ALICETubaro, CristinaOrian, Laura + JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY - -
Dinuclear d10 complexes with nNHC/tzNHC heteroditopic carbene ligands and their luminescence properties 2017 M. MonticelliM. BaronA. LonghiC. TubaroM. RancanG. BottaroL. Armelao + - - Programma del XXVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana
Dinuclear gold(I) Complexes with Bidentate NHC Ligands as Precursors for Alkynyl Complexes via Mechanochemistry 2022 Baron, MarcoSgarbossa, PaoloBiffis, AndreaBottaro, GregorioArmelao, LidiaTubaro, Cristina + MOLECULES - -
Dinuclear gold(i) complexes with propylene bridged N-heterocyclic dicarbene ligands: synthesis, structures, and trends in reactivities and properties 2013 TUBARO, CRISTINABARON, MARCOBASATO, MARINOBIFFIS, ANDREAGENNARO, ARMANDOAHMED ISSE, ABDIRISAK + DALTON TRANSACTIONS - -
Dinuclear group 11 metal complexes with di-N-heterocyclic carbene ligands: catalytic efficiency in nitrene transfer reaction 2011 BIFFIS, ANDREATUBARO, CRISTINABARON, MARCOVOLPE, ANDREABASATO, MARINO + - - Atti
Dinuclear N-Heterocyclic Dicarbene Gold Complexes in I-III and III-III Oxidation States: Synthesis and Structural Analysis 2011 BARON, MARCOTUBARO, CRISTINABASATO, MARINOBIFFIS, ANDREA + ORGANOMETALLICS - -
Exploring the Coordination Properties of Phosphonium-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Towards Gold 2023 Baron M.Armelao L.Tubaro C. + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - -
Exploring the reductive CO2 fixation with amines and hydrosilanes using readily available Cu(ii) NHC-phenolate catalyst precursors 2024 Meloni G.Morgan L.Cappelletti D.Bevilacqua M.Biffis A.Tubaro C.Baron M. + DALTON TRANSACTIONS - -