Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
A coupled meshless finite point/Peridynamic method for 2D dynamic fracture analysis
2016 SHOJAEI BARJOUI, Arman; Mudric, Teo; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Galvanetto, Ugo
An effective way to couple FEM meshes and Peridynamics grids for the solution of static equilibrium problems
2016 Galvanetto, Ugo; Mudric, Teo; SHOJAEI BARJOUI, Arman; Zaccariotto, Mirco
Coupling of FEM meshes with Peridynamic grids
2018 Zaccariotto, Mirco; Mudric, Teo; Tomasi, Davide; Shojaei, Arman; Galvanetto, Ugo
Discontinuous mechanical problems studied with a peridynamics-based approach
2015 Zaccariotto, Mirco; Sarego, Giulia; Dipasquale, Daniele; SHOJAEI BARJOUI, Arman; Mudric, Teo; Duzzi, Matteo; Galvanetto, Ugo
Discontinuous mechanical problems studied with a peridynamics-based approach
2017 Zaccariotto, M.; Sarego, G.; Dipasquale, D.; Shojaei, A.; Bazazzadeh, S.; Mudric, T.; Duzzi, M.; Galvanetto, U
Experimental Investigation of the Ballistic Response of Composite Panels Coupled with a Self-Healing Polymeric Layer
2016 Mudric, Teo; Giacomuzzo, Cinzia; Francesconi, Alessandro; Galvanetto, Ugo
High velocity impact behavior of composite sandwich panels with self-healing capabilities
2014 Mudric, Teo; Francesconi, Alessandro; Giacomuzzo, Cinzia; Galvanetto, Ugo; Grande, A. M.; Di Landro, L.
Impact behaviour of multifunctional panels
2014 Mudric, Teo
Response of multi-functional panels to high velocity impact
2016 Galvanetto, Ugo; Mudric, Teo; Francesconi, Alessandro; Giacomuzzo, Cinzia