Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.631
AS - Asia 580
EU - Europa 571
OC - Oceania 13
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 3.796
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.621
SG - Singapore 242
CN - Cina 234
IT - Italia 203
FR - Francia 66
FI - Finlandia 65
DE - Germania 63
VN - Vietnam 55
GB - Regno Unito 52
SE - Svezia 51
JP - Giappone 29
IE - Irlanda 13
AT - Austria 10
AU - Australia 10
CA - Canada 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
RU - Federazione Russa 10
UA - Ucraina 9
HK - Hong Kong 5
IN - India 5
DK - Danimarca 4
ES - Italia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
SI - Slovenia 3
CY - Cipro 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NL - Olanda 2
TR - Turchia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AR - Argentina 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IS - Islanda 1
LT - Lituania 1
PL - Polonia 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RO - Romania 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 3.796
Città #
Fairfield 320
Ann Arbor 316
Woodbridge 258
Houston 228
Santa Clara 207
Singapore 203
Chandler 128
Seattle 125
Boardman 111
Ashburn 107
Cambridge 89
Wilmington 83
Medford 70
Princeton 70
Padova 69
San Diego 56
Dong Ket 54
Des Moines 46
Roxbury 45
Jacksonville 35
Nanjing 35
Beijing 32
Helsinki 26
Jinan 22
Hebei 16
Guangzhou 13
Shenyang 13
Dublin 12
Milan 11
London 10
Sydney 10
Vienna 10
Shanghai 8
Legnaro 7
Ningbo 7
Zhengzhou 7
Cagliari 6
Hangzhou 6
Prague 6
Verona 6
Changsha 5
Nanchang 5
Nürnberg 5
Borås 4
Brendola 4
Fratta Polesine 4
Hounslow 4
Indiana 4
Kharkiv 4
Lappeenranta 4
Paris 4
Redwood City 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Arcole 3
Haikou 3
Hampstead 3
Hong Kong 3
Jiaxing 3
Lanzhou 3
Madrid 3
New York 3
Noida 3
Ogden 3
San Giorgio di Nogaro 3
Taizhou 3
Tappahannock 3
Xi'an 3
Brno 2
Brooklyn 2
Cento 2
Cologne 2
Dairago 2
Enfield 2
Esher 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Fuzhou 2
Huddersfield 2
Kongens Lyngby 2
Lambeth 2
Leawood 2
Leeds 2
Luxembourg 2
Montebelluna 2
Montgeron 2
Montreal 2
Munich 2
Oderzo 2
Omitama 2
Ottawa 2
Parma 2
Paternò 2
Pforzheim 2
Phoenix 2
Prescot 2
Rockville 2
Rome 2
San Francisco 2
Sant'Elia Fiumerapido 2
Taiyuan 2
Tianjin 2
Totale 3.046
Nome #
Fitting pinna-related transfer functions to anthropometry for binaural sound rendering 128
A Head-Related Transfer Function Model for Real-Time Customized 3-D Sound Rendering 113
Absence of modulatory action on haptic height perception with musical pitch 112
Acoustic selfies for extraction of external ear features in mobile audio augmented reality 106
Automatic Extraction of Pinna Edges for Binaural Audio Customization 105
Influence of voxelization on finite difference time domain simulations of head-related transfer functions 103
Extraction of pinna features for customized binaural audio delivery on mobile devices 102
Evaluating vertical localization performance of 3D sound rendering models with a perceptual metric 97
Enhancing vertical localization with image-guided selection of non-individual head-related transfer functions 95
Round Robin Comparison of Inter-Laboratory HRTF Measurements – Assessment with an auditory model for elevation 92
Localization of self-generated synthetic footstep sounds on different walked-upon materials through headphones 89
Synthetic individual binaural audio delivery by pinna image processing 88
Mixed structural modeling of head-related transfer functions for customized binaural audio delivery 87
On the Relation Between Pinna Reflection Patterns and Head-Related Transfer Function Features 86
Interactive spatial sonification for non-visual exploration of virtual maps 82
Sonic interaction in virtual environments 81
Customized 3D sound for innovative interaction design 79
Mixed Structural Models for 3D Audio in Virtual Environments 79
Auditory navigation with a tubular acoustic model for interactive distance cues and personalized head-related transfer functions: An auditory target-reaching task 75
A Modular Framework for the Analysis and Synthesis of Head-Related Transfer Functions 74
The Selfear project: a mobile application for low-cost pinna-related transfer function acquisition 69
Use of personalized binaural audio and interactive distance cues in an auditory goal-reaching task 67
Effects of binaural rendering personalisation and reverberation on speech-on-speech masking 66
Model-based customized binaural reproduction through headphones 65
Estimation and modeling of pinna-related transfer functions. 62
A standardized repository of Head-Related and Headphone Impulse Response data 62
Localization in Elevation with Non-IndividualHead-Related Transfer Functions:Comparing Predictions of Two Auditory Models 60
Structural modeling of pinna-related transfer functions. 56
Hearing Distance: a Low-Cost Model for Near-Field Binaural Effects 52
Employing spatial sonification of target motion in tracking exercises 50
Valutazione parametrica di un modello strutturale di orecchio esterno per il rendering binaurale del suono. 49
Action planning and affective states within the auditory peripersonal space 49
Improving elevation perception with a tool for image-guided head-related transfer function selection 48
Action anticipation for sounds semantics 47
Structural Modeling of Pinna-Related Transfer Functions for {3-D} Sound Rendering 42
Multimodal exploration of virtual objects with a spatialized anchor sound 42
Audio 3D e ancoraggio sonoro per l'esplorazione multimodale di ambienti virtuali 42
PHOnA: A Public Dataset of Measured Headphone Transfer Functions 40
Subjective evaluation of a low-order parametric filter model of the pinna for binaural sound rendering 39
Reacting to emotional sounds entering peripersonal space. 38
Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments 35
A Bayesian model for human directional localization of broadband static sound sources 34
Influence of Auditory Pitch on Haptic Estimation of Spatial Height 34
Applying a single-notch metric to image-guided head-related transfer function selection for improved vertical localization 33
Action planning and affective states within the auditory peripersonal space in normal hearing and cochlear-implanted listeners 32
Un nuovo approccio a modelli strutturali misti per la sintesi e la personalizzazione di HRTF 31
The selfear project: A mobile application for low-cost pinna-related transefr function acquisition 31
Auditory Feedback for Navigation with Echoes in Virtual Environments: Training Procedure and Orientation Strategies 29
A Minimal Personalization of Dynamic Binaural Synthesis with Mixed Structural Modeling and Scattering Delay Networks 29
Cervical Spine Motion During Vehicle Extrication of Healthy Volunteers 29
Creating an Audio Story with Interactive Binaural Rendering in Virtual Reality 28
Auditory models comparison for horizontal localization of concurrent speakers in adverse acoustic scenarios 27
Sonic Interactions in Virtual Reality: State of the Art, Current Challenges, and Future Directions 27
Predicting directional sound-localization of human listeners in both horizontal and vertical dimensions 26
Interactions in Mobile Sound and Music Computing 26
Evaluation of spatial tasks in virtual acoustic environments by means of modeling individual localization performances 25
Pinna-related transfer functions and lossless wave equation using finite-difference methods: Validation with measurements 25
On the evaluation of head-related transfer functions with probabilistic auditory models of human sound localization 25
Pinna-related transfer functions and lossless wave equation using finite-difference methods: Verification and asymptotic solution 25
A motion based setup for peri-personal space estimation with virtual auditory displays 25
Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2015) 24
Evaluation of a human sound localization model based on bayesian inference 24
Co-immersion in Audio Augmented Virtuality: the Case Study of a Static and Approximated Late Reverberation Algorithm 24
Superhuman Hearing - Virtual Prototyping of Artificial Hearing: A Case Study on Interactions and Acoustic Beamforming 23
An educational experience with motor planning and sound semantics in virtual audio reality 23
What Is It Like to Be a Virtual Bat? 23
Reflections from five years of Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments workshops 23
Comparison of distortion products in headphone equalization algorithms for binaural synthesis 21
The Impact of an Accurate Vertical Localization with HRTFs on Short Explorations of Immersive Virtual Reality Scenarios 21
On the Effect of User Tracking on Perceived Source Positions in Mobile Audio Augmented Reality 20
Egocentric Audio in the Digital Twin of Virtual Environments 18
Mobile virtual reality for musical genre learning in primary education 18
Classifying Non-Individual Head-Related Transfer Functions with A Computational Auditory Model: Calibration And Metrics 17
Do we need individual head-related transfer functions for vertical localization? the case study of a spectral notch distance metric 16
L’Audio Egocentrico negli Ambienti Virtuali 14
Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments: the Egocentric Audio Perspective of the Digital Twin 12
Shaping the auditory peripersonal space with motor planning in immersive virtual reality 11
Personalization in Audio Storytelling within Virtual and Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Insights 11
The SONICOM Project: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Immersive Audio, From Personalization to Modeling 11
The Egocentric Audio Perspective in Virtual Environments 10
Virtual reality exploration with different head-related transfer functions 9
Navigate as a bat. Real-time echolocation system in virtual reality 9
Initial Evaluation of an Auditory-Model-Aided Selection Procedure for Non- Individual HRTFs 7
The Role of Audio in Immersive Storytelling: a Systematic Review in Cultural Heritage 6
Designing sonic interactions in intelligent reality with egocentric audio technologies 6
Effect of Auditory Stimulation to Task and Presence in Selective Blurred Immersive Environment for VR Sickness Reduction 4
Totale 3.931
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.936
article - articoli 6.708
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 423
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 376
Totale 26.443

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020311 0 0 0 0 0 30 37 44 37 127 17 19
2020/2021265 9 24 4 46 6 7 14 22 27 11 29 66
2021/2022736 22 92 61 9 5 49 26 126 17 18 123 188
2022/2023444 110 5 5 29 83 61 7 22 37 1 60 24
2023/2024355 17 49 40 36 31 17 13 15 13 24 45 55
2024/2025770 12 178 114 108 291 67 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.931