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Analysis of catchment response to rainfall and snowmelt by means of isotopic, geochemical and hydrometric data. 2011 GOBBI, ALBERTOPENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLABORGA, MARCO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - -
Analysis of runoff sources and water uptake by trees using isotopic data in a small forested catchment 2012 MANTESE, NICOLAPENNA, DANIELEZUECCO, GIULIABORGA, MARCOANFODILLO, TOMMASOCARRARO, VINICIODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - -
Controls on piezometric response at the hillslope scale in an alpine catchment 2011 PENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAGOBBI, ALBERTOBORGA, MARCO - - Fall Meeting AGU
Deflusso sottosuperficiale di versante in ambiente alpino: ruolo nella risposta idrologica di piena e variabilità spazio-temporale 2013 MANTESE, NICOLA - - -
Deflusso sottosuperficiale di versante in ambiente alpino: ruolo nella risposta idrologica di piena e variabilità spazio-temporale. 2013 Mantese, Nicola - - -
Do trees and streams have the same source of water? Isotopic evidence from a small pre-alpine catchment 2013 PENNA, DANIELEZUECCO, GIULIAMANTESE, NICOLACARRARO, VINICIOANFODILLO, TOMMASOBORGA, MARCODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO + - - Four decades of progress in monitoring and modelling of processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system: applications and challenges
Hydrological response of an alpine catchment during rainfall and snowmelt events: analysis of isotope and conductivity data 2011 PENNA, DANIELEGOBBI, ALBERTOMANTESE, NICOLABORGA, MARCO + - - ERB workshop: geochemical, isotope and innovative tracers: challenges and perspectives for small catchment research
Hydrometeorological and hydrological analysis for the Nov 1, 2010 flood event in North-eastern Italy 2011 MARRA, FRANCESCOZANON, FRANCESCOPENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAZOCCATELLI, DAVIDE + - - abstracts of 2011 EGU General Assembly
Hydrometeorological and hydrological analysis for the Nov 1, 2010 flood event in North-eastern Italy 2011 MARRA, FRANCESCOZANON, FRANCESCOPENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAZOCCATELLI, DAVIDECAVALLI, MARCOMARCHI, LORENZO + - - -
Influenza della topografia e dello spessore del suolo sulla risposta piezometrica a scala di versante – Influence of topography and soil depth on the piezometric response at the hillslope scale 2012 PENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAZUECCO, GIULIABORGA, MARCODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO - - Previsione e mitigazione dei fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico in Italia. Il contributo del settore delle sistemazioni idraulico forestali
Influenza della topografia e dello spessore del suolo sulla risposta piezometrica a scala di versante – Influence of topography and soil depth on the piezometric response at the hillslope scale. 2012 MANTESE, NICOLAPENNA, DANIELEZUECCO, GIULIABORGA, MARCODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO - - Previsione e mitigazione dei fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico in Italia: il contributo del settore delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali
Runoff response at different spatial scales: Moving from small experimental areas to mesoscale catchments 2011 PENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAGOBBI, ALBERTOBORGA, MARCO DIE BODENKULTUR - -
Spatial and temporal variability of piezometric response at the small catchment scale. 2011 MANTESE, NICOLAPENNA, DANIELEGOBBI, ALBERTOBORGA, MARCO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - -
The role of catchment topography on the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture and subsurface flow 2012 PENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAGOBBI, ALBERTOBORGA, MARCODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - -
Topographic controls on water table and soil moisture dynamics in a small alpine catchment 2012 PENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLABORGA, MARCODALLA FONTANA, GIANCARLO + - - 14th Biennial Conference ERB 2012: Studies of Hydrological Processes in research basins: current challenges and prospects