Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB
A contribution to the Italian validation of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C)
2012 Gobbi, Erica; Ferri, Ilaria; Carraro, Attilio
A contribution to the validation of the Wii Balance Board for the assessment of standing balance
2015 Pavan, Piero; Cardaioli, Matteo; Ferri, Ilaria; Gobbi, Erica; Carraro, Attilio
A socio-ecological approach to children's physical activity: preliminary results
2012 Gobbi, Erica; Ferri, Ilaria; Carraro, Attilio
Active breaks and attention in primary school pupils: methodological concerns
2012 Carraro, Attilio; I., Ferri; Gobbi, Erica
Adapted physical activity as a strategy to reduce anxiety in people with intellectual disabilities
2011 Gobbi, Erica; Carraro, Attilio
Affective response to acute resistance exercise: a comparison among machines and free weights
2018 Carraro, A; Paoli, A; Gobbi, E.
Affective response to acute resistance exercise: a comparison of machine and free weights
2016 Carraro, Attilio; Paoli, Antonio; Marino, Massimiliano; Gobbi, Erica
An Internet-Supported Continuing Professional Development Training with Secondary School Physical Education Teachers: Protocol for the Physical Education for Moving (PE4MOVE) Trial.
2022 Carraro, Attilio; Colangelo, Alessandra; Santi, Giampaolo; Conti, Cristiana; Petrini, Marco; Gobbi, Erica.
APA and multiple sclerosis
2008 Gobbi, Erica; Martinuzzi, A; Carraro, Attilio
Applying the moral action model to explore relations of sportspersonship with interpretation processes in female gymnasts
2015 Marino, Massimiliano; Gobbi, Erica; Zambon, S; Carraro, Attilio
Are there sex differences in physiological parameters and reaction time responses to overload in firefighters?
2021 Perroni, Fabrizio; Cardinali, Ludovica; Cignitti, Lamberto; Gobbi, Erica; Grugni, Federico; Amatori, Stefano; Rocchi, Marco Bruno Luigi; Grandinetti, Luca; Lunetta, Francesco; Stocchi, Vilberto; Baldari, Carlo; Sisti, Davide; Guidetti, Laura
Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the simple physical activity questionnaire (SIMPAQ)
2020 Rosenbaum, S.; Morell, R.; Abdel-Baki, A.; Ahmadpanah, M.; Anilkumar, T. V.; Baie, L.; Bauman, A.; Bender, S.; Boyan Han, J.; Brand, S.; Bratland-Sanda, S.; Bueno-Antequera, J.; Camaz Deslandes, A.; Carneiro, L.; Carraro, A.; Castañeda, C. P.; Castro Monteiro, F.; Chapman, J.; Chau, J. Y.; Chen, L. J.; Chvatalova, B.; Chwastiak, L.; Corretti, G.; Dillon, M.; Douglas, C.; Egger, S. T.; Gaughran, F.; Gerber, M.; Gobbi, E.; Gould, K.; Hatzinger, M.; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.; Hoodbhoy, Z.; Imboden, C.; Indu, P. S.; Iqbal, R.; Jesus-Moraleida, F. R.; Kondo, S.; Ku, P. W.; Lederman, O.; Lee, E. H. M.; Malchow, B.; Matthews, E.; Mazur, P.; Meneghelli, A.; Mian, A.; Morseth, B.; Munguia-Izquierdo, D.; Nyboe, L.; O'Donoghue, B.; Perram, A.; Richards, J.; Romain, A. J.; Romaniuk, M.; Sadeghi Bahmani, D.; Sarno, M.; Schuch, F.; Schweinfurth, N.; Stubbs, B.; Uwakwe, R.; Van Damme, T.; Van Der Stouwe, E.; Vancampfort, D.; Vetter, S.; Waterreus, A.; Ward, P. B.
Assessment of Performance in Youth Soccer Players: Should We Consider the Maturation Status?
2024 Perroni, Fabrizio; Amatori, Stefano; Corsi, Lorenzo; Bensi, Roberto; Guidetti, Laura; Baldari, Carlo; Rocchi, Marco Bruno Luigi; Castagna, Carlo; Gobbi, Erica; Sisti, Davide; Buzzachera, Cosme Franklim
Associations of parents' and teachers' habits with children physical activity: a survey in Italy
2011 Carraro, Attilio; Gobbi, Erica
Attitudes toward obesity among universitary students
2010 Gobbi, Erica; Scarpa, Stefano; Carraro, Attilio
Attitudini implicite ed esplicite verso l'obesità in un gruppo di studenti universitari
2010 Gobbi, Erica; Scarpa, Stefano; Carraro, Attilio
Attitudini implicite ed esplicite verso l'obesità in un gruppo di studenti universitari
2010 Gobbi, Erica; Scarpa, Stefano; Carraro, Attilio
Attività fisica e disabilità intellettive
2012 Ferri, Ilaria; Gobbi, Erica; Carraro, Attilio
Brief report: Play fighting to curb self-reported aggression in young adolescents
2014 Carraro, Attilio; Gobbi, Erica; Moe', Angelica
Burnout and self-perceptions of physical fitness in a sample of Italian physical education teachers
2010 Carraro, Attilio; Scarpa, Stefano; Gobbi, Erica; Bertollo, M; Robazza, C.