Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico, Internazionale e Comunitario - DiPIC  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"You Say You'll Change the Constitution"- The ICJ and Non-State Entities in the Kosovo Advisory Opinion 2012 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Kosovo and International Law- The ICJ Advisory Opinion of 22 July 2010
A historical perspective : from collective to individual responsibility and back 2009 GATTINI, ANDREA - - System criminality in international law
Actio Popularis 2019 andrea gattini - - Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law
Alcune osservazioni sulla tutela degli interessi individuali nei progetti di codificazione della Commissione del diritto internazionale sulla responsabilità internazionale e sulla protezione diplomatica 2006 GATTINI, ANDREA - - La codificazione della responsabilità internazionale degli Stati alla prova dei fatti: problemi e spunti di riflessione
Breach of International Obligations 2014 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law : an Appraisal of the State of the Art
Domestic Judicial Compliance with International Judicial Decisions: Some Paradoxes 2011 GATTINI, ANDREA - - From Bilateralism to Community Interest- Essays in Honour of Judge Bruno Simma
Effects of decisions of the UN Security Council in the EU legal order 2011 GATTINI, ANDREA - - International law as law of the European Union
Free Zones of Upper Savoy and Gex Case 2009 andrea gattini - - Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Immunité et souveraineté dans l'arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice dans l'affaire Immunités juridictionnelles de l'État 2015 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Immunities in the Age of Global Constitutionalism
International Responsibility of the State and International Responsibility of Juridical Persons for Environmental Damage: Where Do We Stand? 2016 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Bridging the Gap between International Investment Law and the Environment
Judicial Discretion 2022 Andrea Gattini - - Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law
La Convenzione UNESCO sulla protezione e promozione della diversità  culturale e regole WTO 2008 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Le identità culturali nei recenti strumenti Unesco
La double personnalité de l'Etat dans la pensée de Charles Leben: une leçon d'honnêteté intellectuelle 2023 Andrea Gattini - - Grand pages du droit international. Charles Leben
La nationalité en tant que principe de droit international: les écrits de Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 2020 Andrea Gattini - - Grandes pages du droit international: l'étranger
La renonciation au droit d' invoquer la responsabilité 2006 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Common Values in International Law - Essays in Honour of Christian Tomuschat
Le rôle du juge international et du juge national et la coutume internationale 2014 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Gattini, Andrea / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers / In: Unité et diversité du droit international : écrits en l'honneur du professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy = Unity and Diversity of International Law / Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy
Mass Claims at the European Court of Human Rights 2007 GATTINI, ANDREA - - Human rights, democracy and the rule of law- Liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber
Pinochet Cases 2007 andrea gattini - - Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Pure Theory of Law Amidst the Tempest: Hans Kelsen, Democracy and Human Rights 2020 Andrea Gattini - - Human Dignity and International Law
Que peut faire le droit international du XXIème siècle pour empêcher les guerres commerciales? 2023 Andrea Gattini - - Le droit international pour un monde nouveau - International Law for a New World