Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.128
EU - Europa 973
AS - Asia 793
AF - Africa 7
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.907
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.122
SG - Singapore 363
CN - Cina 335
IT - Italia 317
FI - Finlandia 147
SE - Svezia 109
DE - Germania 97
FR - Francia 65
UA - Ucraina 65
RU - Federazione Russa 48
VN - Vietnam 44
GB - Regno Unito 40
HK - Hong Kong 29
HR - Croazia 26
IE - Irlanda 18
NL - Olanda 13
IN - India 12
ID - Indonesia 6
ES - Italia 5
CH - Svizzera 4
RS - Serbia 4
AT - Austria 3
BE - Belgio 3
CA - Canada 3
MX - Messico 3
PE - Perù 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EU - Europa 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.907
Città #
Ann Arbor 424
Fairfield 413
Houston 387
Woodbridge 351
Santa Clara 273
Jacksonville 250
Chandler 247
Singapore 241
Ashburn 188
Wilmington 183
Boardman 154
Cambridge 146
Seattle 123
Princeton 114
Padova 105
Medford 103
San Diego 75
Helsinki 66
Nanjing 55
Beijing 54
Des Moines 49
Dong Ket 44
Hong Kong 28
Hebei 23
Los Angeles 20
Dublin 18
Nanchang 17
Bologna 16
Shenyang 16
Changsha 15
Tianjin 15
Guangzhou 14
Jinan 14
Milan 13
Rome 12
London 11
Jiaxing 10
Roxbury 10
Trieste 10
Atlanta 9
Norwalk 9
Falkenstein 8
Indiana 8
Redwood City 8
Borås 6
Kharkiv 6
Ningbo 6
Salerno 6
Falls Church 5
Ferrara 5
L’Aquila 5
Pune 5
Washington 5
Ansbach 4
Council Bluffs 4
Dallas 4
New York 4
Ponte di Piave 4
San Giovanni a Piro 4
Verona 4
Zhengzhou 4
Bogor 3
Bolzano 3
Bonndorf 3
Cureggio 3
Hangzhou 3
Hefei 3
Loughborough 3
Phoenix 3
San Pietro Vernotico 3
Torino 3
Turin 3
Auburn Hills 2
Barcelona 2
Belgrade 2
Campobasso 2
Camposampiero 2
Caronno Pertusella 2
Castelfranco Veneto 2
Edinburgh 2
Hounslow 2
Jakarta 2
Kasserine 2
Kilburn 2
Lappeenranta 2
Lima 2
Madrid 2
Montebelluna 2
Montpellier 2
Nagold 2
Newcastle upon Tyne 2
Niederhasli 2
Ogden 2
Orange 2
Oslo 2
Pavia 2
Perugia 2
Pescara 2
Pignone 2
Pinerolo 2
Totale 4.519
Nome #
Numerical modeling to well-head protection area delineation, an example in Veneto Region (NE Italy) 144
A local natural background level concept to improve the natural background level: a case study on the drainage basin of the Venetian Lagoon in Northeastern Italy 118
Does a change of irrigation technique impact on groundwater resources? A case study in Northeastern Italy 104
Point dilution tests to calculate groundwater velocity: an example in a porous aquifer in NE Italy 101
Hydrogeological monitoring and modelling in the S. Lorenzo road tunnel area (Passo della Morte, Udine) for the design of countermeasure works 97
Anthropic impact on thermal aquifer: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE Italy) 97
Geostatistics as a tool to improve the natural background level definition: An application in groundwater 95
Groundwater flow systems in turbidites of Northern Apennines (Italy): natural discharge and high speed railway tunnels drainage 92
A new hydrothermal conceptual and numerical model of the Euganean Geothermal system – NE Italy 90
Differential Hydrogeological Effects of Draining Tunnels Through the Northern Apennines, Italy 90
Mapping the variation of the potentiometric level of the Euganean thermal aquifer and relationship with the exploitation 87
Natural Arsenic in groundwater in the drainage basin to the Venice lagoon (Brenta Plain, NE Italy): the organic matter’s role 87
Defining the hydrogeological behavior of karst springs through an integrated analysis: a case study in the Berici Mountains area (Vicenza, NE Italy) 87
Groundwater processes in a complex landslide, northern Apennines, Italy 85
3D hydrogeological reconstruction of the fault-controlled Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy) 85
Assessing transmissivity from specific capacity in an alluvial aquifer in the middle Venetian plain (NE, Italy) 81
Fault Control on a Thermal Anomaly: Conceptual and Numerical Modeling of a Low‐Temperature Geothermal System in the Southern Alps Foreland Basin (NE Italy) 81
A new hydrothermal conceptual and numerical model of the Euganean Geothermal System - NE Italy 80
Le gallerie TAV attraverso l’Appennino Toscano: impatto idrogeologico ed opere di mitigazione 78
Application of parametric methods and numerical modeling to forecast hydrogeoloigical impacts of a tunnel 78
Conceptual and numerical model of a tectonically controlled geothermal system: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal System, Northern Italy 77
A methodology of hydrogeological mapping for Northern Apennines. Experiences from Upper Montone and Upper Secchia Watersheds 76
Prediction of salinization effects in a shallow coastal aquifer due to sands quarry excavation: monitoring and modelling dual-density flow (Ferrara, Italy) 75
Groundwater modeling of fractured aquifers in mines: The case study of Gavorrano (Tuscany, Italy) 72
The role of fault damage zones in fluid flow: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy) 71
Hydrogeologic budgeting of a fractured aquifer supported by tunnel drained–groundwater data 70
Monitoring, utilization and sustainable development of a medium-temperature geothermal resource: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE, Italy) 70
Revisiting the Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy) – insights from large scale hydrothermal modelling 68
Assessing of arsenic controlling factors in the alluvial aquifer nearby Venice lagoon (NE, Italy) 68
Heat transport modeling for the design of a low enthalpy open-loop system 67
Il monitoraggio in continuo delle portate in torrenti e sorgenti alpini per la valutazione del Deflusso Minimo Vitale 66
Evaluation and mapping of groundwater resources allocation key factors in northern apennines torbidites: the pilot study of the Montone watershed (Forlì-Cesena) 66
Slope stability and groundwater flow system in the area of Lizzano in Belvedere (Northern Apennines, Italy) 66
Data collection and groundwater flow modeling for groundwater supply plants management: three case studies from Ferrara (Italy) 64
Modellazione di flusso a densità variabile di un acquifero freatico salinizzato 63
Hydrogeological characterization of roto-translational slides in flysch rock masses for mitigation proposes: the example of Ca’ Lita landslide 63
Groundwater Flow Characterization Using Different Hydraulic Methods in Large and Deep Earth-Slide Rich in Clay 62
Step drawdown tests and slug tests: permeability distribution in an area of the middle Venetian plain (Veneto Region, Northeast Italy) 60
Exceedance probability map: a tool helping the definition of arsenic Natural Background Level (NBL) within the Drainage Basin to the Venice Lagoon (NE Italy) 60
Upwelling time of thermal waters inferred using radionuclides: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal field (Veneto - NE Italy) 60
Hydrogeological spring characterization in the Vajont area 59
Implication of geological heterogeneity on the distribution of dissolved arsenic in an alluvial aquifer in Italy evaluated using a 3D multicomponent reactive transport model 57
A three-dimensional multicomponent reactive transport model to assess the role of subsurface heterogeneity on arsenic mobility in the shallow aquifer of the Venetian Alluvial Plain 57
Slope and groundwater monitoring for 3D numerical modelling to ensure the structural health of an alpine road tunnel crossing an active rock slide 57
Analysis of borehole dilution tests by a numerical modeling approach 56
From conceptual to numerical model: an example in the Euganean Geothermal System (NE, Italy) 55
Modellazione numerica per la definizione di aree di protezione di sorgenti in acquiferi fratturati non carsici 54
The artificial potentiometric level in the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE, Italy): can we hypothesize a natural potentiometric level ? 54
Hydrogeologic characterististics of roto-traslational slides in flysch 53
Numerical modelling as a tool to improve conceptual models: the case study of a regional hydrothermal system in NE Italy 53
Exceedance probability of some arsenic threshold values 52
Modellazione numerica per la mitigazione degli impatti sul deflusso di base di torrenti appenninici indotti dalle gallerie Alta Velocità 50
Studio della consistenza delle risorse idriche sotterranee di bacini montani appenninici in formazione Marnoso–Arenacea. L’alto bacino del fiume Montone (Forlì–Cesena) 50
Monitoring dual-density shallow groundwater flow for understanding salinization effects in paleo-channel quarry lakes in a lowland coastal plain 50
Monitoring and modeling dual-density flow for the prediction of salinization effects in a shallow coastal aquifer due to sands quarry excavation (Ferrara, Italy) 50
A detailed geological reconstruction as a tool for the reliable numerical model implementation: The Euganean Geothermal System case study (NE Italy) 50
Groundwater flow numerical modeling to forecast tunnel inflows and hydrogeological impacts: the case of a road tunnel in Southern Alps 49
Conceptual Model of Arsenic Mobility in the Shallow Alluvial Aquifers Near Venice (Italy) Elucidated Through Machine Learning and Geochemical Modeling 49
Parametric and numerical modelling tools to forecast hydrogeological impacts of a tunnel 48
Hydrostratigraphical modeling using a 3D geostatistical approach 48
Geostatistical approach to groundwater calibration in middle venetian plain (NE, Italy) 48
Acque sotterranee fra Emilia‐Romagna e Toscana: acquiferi poveri o aquitard produttivi? 48
Characterization and modeling of arsenic occurrence in the alluvial aquifer nearby Venice lagoon (NE, Italy) 48
Groundwater resources allocation key factors mapping in mountainous catchments through the integrated use of GIS analysis and water flows monitoring 47
Impacts of a Railway Tunnel on the streams baseflow verified by means of numerical modelling 46
Idrogeologia delle unità torbiditiche: un modello concettuale derivato dal rilevamento geologico dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e dal monitoraggio ambientale per il tunnel alta velocità ferroviaria Firenze-Bologna 46
Predicted hydrogeological activity for Gates 4 and 5- First year Report 46
Alto Bacino del Fiume Montone - Cartografia idrogeologica per la protezione delle risorse idriche sotterranee nelle unità torbiditiche 46
Aquifer-type behaviour of Marnoso-Arenacea formation in Northern Apennines: evidences from hydrogeological monitoring and hydrochemical data 45
Monitoring and modeling variable density flow to forecast salinization effects of sand mining in a phreatic coastal aquifer (Ferrara, Italy) 44
From a geological reconstruction to a representative numerical model implementation: the case of Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy) 44
Experimental techniques for the hydrogeological prospecting of groundwater flow systems in torbiditic units 43
Modellazione numerica dei meccanismi di riattivazione di grandi frane per scivolamento di terra: l’esempio della frana di Tolara, Appennino settentrionale 43
Spring discharge and groundwater flow systems in sedimentary and ophiolitic hard rock aquifers: Experiences from Northern Apennines (Italy) 43
Groundwater flow systems in torbiditic units 42
Groundwater flow systems in torbiditic units: a conceptual model based on high speed train tunnels drainage between Florence and Bologna 42
Modellazione numerica di flusso per la progettazione di un sistema di emungimento con pozzi a raggiera 42
Modello di trasporto di calore per il dimensionamento di un impianto geotermico a circuito aperto 41
Mechanisms of earth flow reactivation in heterogeneous rock masses of the northern Apennines (Italy) 41
Spatial and temporal reconstruction of the temperature distribution to assess the water circulation in the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE Italy) 41
Monitoraggio idrogeologico e modellazione del flusso a densità variabile per la previsione della salinizzazione indotta da una cava di sabbia in un acquifero costiero superficiale (Ferrara) 40
Hydrogeological study of large landslides reactivation mechanism: the Mt. Modino project (Northern Apennines) 40
“Riverbank filtration” di acque superficiali a monte della potabilizzazione - Il caso della città di Ferrara 39
The conceptual model validation by 3D numerical model: the first steps for the sustainable thermal water exploitation in the Euganean Geothermal Field (NE Italy). 39
Subsoil geostatistical modeling as tool for hydrogeological modeling: Transitional Probability approach applied upon a heterogeneous site 37
Monitoring the water resources in the large railway projects: The fortezza – ponte gardena case study, Southern Brenner Base Tunnel access 37
Groundwater flow modeling for well field management: a case study from Ferrara (Italy) 36
An example of aquifer heterogeneity simulation to modeling well-head protection areas 35
Groundwater drainage into a tunnel in fractured rock mass (Flysch): Numerical modeling to predict maximum rate of water drainage 34
Heat transport modelling for the design of a low enthalpy open-loop system 33
Tracer test to assess flow and transport parameters of an earth slide: The Montecagno landslide case study (Italy) 33
Numerical modeling as a tool for evaluating the renewability of geothermal resources: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy) 33
Hydrogeology characterization of roto-translational slides in flysch rock masses 32
Hydrogeology of some springs in the Vajont area 31
Hydrogeological modelling of the Lezza Nuova earth slide – earth flow (northern Apennines, Italy) 30
Monitoring and modelling groundwater flow systems in hard rock aquifers: experiences from Northern Apennines (Italy) 30
Probability of Non-Exceedance of Arsenic Concentration in Groundwater Estimated Using Stochastic Multicomponent Reactive Transport Modeling 28
A 3D numerical model for the evaluation of the tunneling water inflow: The fortezza – ponte gardena case study 28
Totale 5.831
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.807
article - articoli 14.566
book - libri 427
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 190
Totale 39.990

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020362 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 53 124 44 72
2020/2021523 29 36 9 46 23 34 4 53 74 53 80 82
2021/2022932 15 188 68 111 31 33 36 82 28 20 85 235
2022/2023757 177 10 0 62 140 107 2 75 124 3 44 13
2023/2024527 17 78 73 42 17 64 32 34 16 24 65 65
2024/20251.110 10 204 95 104 406 46 64 181 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.025